Sunday, December 14, 2008

The road to matrimony and the potholes to avoid.

All roads lead to Rome but the wise will travel by the straight road or super highway as the bird flies rather than chose the long and winding road that leads to nowhere.

I don't think any girl would want to end up single if they can find the man of their dreams. Only those who cannot find their dream man would boast that single life is much better than being married.

Either way, right or wrong ,the women always win in the end .Which ever side she stands on , she will will say the right things to placate and soothe her soul.Women are their worst enemies.

Are you pushing 30's or 40's and still single?

Is time running out on your biological clock? You cannot for the life of you understands why you are still single , even though you have all the attributes of a beautiful and financially independent woman. All those qualities you think is desirable to attract men.

Read the tips given by this 40's women ,Shane Watson who gives a few good tips to race across the finish line in time.

You don't have to be a perfect '10' before you start to attract men.Don't be obsessed with your beauty so much that you become very vain and feel that some men may not matched your style or expectations.

You need to be yourself. When you feel yourself as being very beautiful , you tend to sell yourself to the highest bidder .When a women is young , she has a lot of capital and can afford to wait for the best man .She will wait and wait till she finds that all the best man has slipped through her and then she will lower her expectations as her age rises..

The one thing women can turn off men is their loose talk about what they are looking for in a man. Every single women has a shopping list for a man . You would let the man know what you like and dislike about the qualities you find in a man.

When a man who could be interested in you learns of your don't like list, it immediately puts them off chasing after you. It is like pouring cold water over them.

The thought of wanting to chase you becomes still born..Sometimes girls don't realize that. The girls are only joking but the man do take it seriously.

Imagine a scene where this man is secretly interested in a woman friend and then this woman blurted out in jest that she is looking for a very rich man as a husband .

WHAM! This man quickly retreats and forgets her. There goes her potential husband. This can backfire on her when he goes around to inform his friends about you as a gold digger.

You don't really meant what you said but the harm has been done and you are not even aware of the results of that joke. When it come to marriage and men , it is best not to disclose your list to any man friends. Just keep to yourself. Anyway, those in the list can change if you find the other good points about him.

Are you perfect?

No one is perfect and you are expecting to find a perfect husband. It is like groping for a needle in a haystack . If there is a near perfect man, you would not stand a chance as there will be other more beautiful and sexier woman available competing for him.

Do something differently for a change. Get a new make over and people will get to notice you .

If you are the 1990's model, then don't expect many to be interested. Try new things or go to different places for a change and not keep to the same routine every day and night for umpteen years. If you always swim in the same pond, then you only attract those same old boring fishes.

You may have to make new friends as your old friends who knows everything about you can be a dampener or can cramped your new style. What you do would be a secret as your friends wont know. You become free of their clutches.

You don't have to behave well in front of your friends for you can flirt outrageously with men. Flirting is a game. It can titillate your senses and it is much fun.

Pick one with the potential and then package them they way you want and DON’T expect them to arrive on your door steps in a perfect little package with a red ribbon.'

All men are like rough diamonds when you meet them . It is only when you get married to them that they become polished and shining like a real diamond. You have to polished them till they shine for you. That is why experienced men or married man have certain appeals.

Happy husband hunting !

Reference and thanks to :-

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