Saturday, December 20, 2008

Let your WAGS recharge their batteries.

You cannot run on and on without recharging your batteries.We all need those days when we are down and need to recharge to be in a tip top condition.

I think after marriage , the girls should have a regular all girls nights out.Give them one or two days in a week for them, to let their hairs down and bitched whatever they want to their best buds.

It is good for their mental and physical health and your marriage health in particular. A happy wife is a happy home.

Give them a break from looking after the kids and the boredom of household drudgery. They really need to talk with their best buddies to catch up with the latest gossips, woman to woman talk which they cannot do with men.

Women do talk a lot of things which men don't venture there. Topics like body image, feminism,cellulite's, food ,shopping's, cheap sales , breast feedings,babies ,clothes , cosmetics and the list is endless. They can talk for hours and still find not enough time to talk..LOL!

They will be more happy and when they are happy , you will also be happy as her happiness rubs on you .A happy person is a healthy person.You rather be served by a happy and smiling wife than a sad and scowling face woman.

Some men don't like their wives to go out with their girl buddies for fear that those other women would teach their wives all the evil things about manipulating their man.

The advantage outweighs the disadvantages.
Be a sport ,because someday you also can have an all man’s party and don't have to always take her along with you. Fair and square.

You need to let your wives have some fun. Don't choke her life or think what is best for her. Let her have her freedom and enjoyment. She will come back recharged and will make your marriage life more meaningful and satisfied.

If you are living in a crime infested place, going out at night is dangerous,especially when you are a woman. This option may not be feasible to those who live in those high crime areas.

credit and thanks to

Things Only Woman Talk About

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The road to eternity is never ending and as we travel on this journey through Earth, we should enjoy each day as it comes .It is not about who you are but what you can do to enrich others life. "To know God is love" blog was created on 29th. June 2009

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