Saturday, December 20, 2008

Should you announce to the world that you are a gay ?

Being gay is your own personal choice. There is no need to let others know what is your own personal sexual preferences.It does not give you any advantage if you announced it to the whole world but instead you maybe ostracized or treated with disdain or contempt. The reactions may differ from place to place.You may face cultural and religious persecutions or oppositions in some places.

Nobody will know that you are gay unless those who know your personal life or you live a gay life openly.

In many societies, it is frowned upon even though the society maybe modern or liberal. You may face religious bigots and those conservatives who may judged you and condemned you .

A gay teacher in Asia declared publicly to the whole world that he is a gay in his blog! You can imagine the reactions from the parents of the school. Many parents do not subscribe to his openness about his sexual preferences and are fearful that their children may follow him .

It is sheer folly to put one's job on the line.There is never knowing the impact and the reactions from the employers or authorities.

There is no necessity to confirm about what others think of them . By his actions , the people around him would know he is a confirmed gay.Whats the point ?

It would be better and wiser to be in circumspect about one’s sexual preferences.It can be a distinct disadvantage to let known your sexual preferences.

It can affect your promotions or the tenability of your job or how others view you through their high moral standards or judgments.They may not say it out publicly due to their Asian upbringings.

A large majority of the older folks may not be able to understand or have bias and prejudices about gays.

They have a lot of misconceptions of gay people. All those negative news about gays getting aids or spreading aids , being very promiscuous and preying on small children.

Times have changed but what has been ingrained in their minds has grown roots and it is very hard for them to change their mindsets over night .

The younger generations may not be a problem as they were not exposed to the negative publicity about gays in the earlier years and treat it as part of life.

Do those young minds fully understand those gay issues ? All their knowledge about gays could be passed on from their parents or learn from the gutters .

Teaching is a very professional job and a teacher should not be involved in any contentious personal issues which can cast aspersions to his/her characters.

Teachers should be above board for they can mould and influence those young minds.Many parents may fear their sons’ would become gay and this concern is real.

Some of these parents may pulled their children of of his class or call for his dismissal .Teachers should not bring anxieties or complex issues within the school and among the parents.

What do you gain by telling the world that you are gay ? There is no gains but you only get opinionated and bigoted views.

Our society is still rigid and old fashioned and gay issues will not find much common ground here or even in some modernized Western countries.

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