It is easy to blame it on the parents for the faults of their children.After all it is their failure to teach them how to behave and not break the laws of the civilized society.
Most of the critics are probably unmarried and does not understand about raising children and lives in their own idealistic world. They could be parents with good genes and their kids are well behaved .
Crime is on the rise in many places and most of these crimes are committed by youngsters. Many authorities are debating whether parents should be held responsible for their children’s crimes to curb the rising juvenile crimes.They are proposing to make it into a law.
Do you think this is fair to the parents ?
Logically speaking, the parents are responsible for their children's actions.It is a rule of natural justice for the parents to compensate to the injured party for things that are broken or destroyed by his children.
In small matters, this may not be a problem . The problem manifest when a life is lose or when it becomes a major crime.
Will the court send the parents to jail or made him a bankrupt to pay for his children's crimes?
Being a parent is not easy if your children becomes rebellious and a delinquent or out of control.
They have a mind of their own . If the state imposes such a law, the parents may have no choice but to treat the children harshly and may made them run away from home.
The parents could be charged for abusing their children. The parents hands are tied. If they cannot handle their wayward children, whats the point of asking them to pay for their crimes?
It is like rubbing salt into their wounds. The parents need help to control their child. The institutions should come in and help but instead is laying the blame and responsibility on the parents who are at wits end.
Out of desperation , the parents may throw the children out and disowned them or in the extreme of cases to lock and chain them in a dungeon or cellar and never to let out again?
Parents cannot do that. They cannot lock their children up or beat their children .That would be child abuse. How do you expect the parents to teach their wayward children?
As parents , you may order your children not to do this or that but can the parents be there always to enforce their wills?
It should be the children who should bear the consequences of their actions and the judge to decide in a case by case basis as to the level of compensations .
The rich parents may not have problems but the poor parents would be devastated.It will destroy their life. Is this fair?
Simply saying that parents are responsible is just placing unnecessary burdens on those parents.
It is easy to put the blame on the parents .No parents want their children to commit crimes.Parents cannot monitor their children for 24/7.
Being young, those kids may not know or realize the extend of their foolishness.Kids will be kids.
The law making parents responsible for their kids or the negligence is a failure of the state to address such an issue.It will not curb the vandalism, armed robbery , muggings , snatch thieves and rapes.
credit and thanks to
suggested reading,4136,144284,00.html?
Saturday, December 13, 2008
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- Suzie1318 a.k.a Laura1318
- The road to eternity is never ending and as we travel on this journey through Earth, we should enjoy each day as it comes .It is not about who you are but what you can do to enrich others life. "To know God is love" blog was created on 29th. June 2009
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