Saturday, December 20, 2008

Married but unhappy ....

Marriage is not a bed of roses and there are many thorns to prick and make you bleed. Nobody said marriage is easy. You need to have to work on your marriage.You cannot think only of yourself but to share and compromise your ideals.If you are not careful , you will tear and destroy your marriage.

No one wants an unhappy marriage if s/he can help it. When you got married , it was the most beautiful and sweetest moments in your life.

Along the way , your beautiful matrimonial dream world was just a magical illusion and when your feet touched the ground , your God whom you put on a pedestal is only human ,made of flesh and blood.

Welcome to the real world of headaches, heartaches and body aches..LOL!

Before, he was so loving and attentive to your wants and needs.
Now, he is so unreasonable and behaved like a spoilt brat.

Suddenly the angel has disappeared ,to be replaced with some devilish and horny creature. The angel you married was a devil in disguise.
Blame it on love ,for your love for him ,made you blind….

What now my love?

If you marry a dog , you will become his bitch.
If you marry an ox, you will become his cow.
If you marry a cock , you will become his hen
If you marry the devil , you will become the she-devil or devil woman….LOL!

Not all marriages are blissful and some marriages are on the rocks. It is very sad that a marriage can fail and break up.Divorce is on the rise.

Being in an unhappy marriage is bad for your body and heart.Nothing seems to work and you begin to drift further and further apart and the chasm becomes very wide .The ice wall becomes thicker and thicker .

You argue over every little thing and can never reach a consensus on anything. You may say hurt full things to each other in the moment of anger and this poison arrows are lodged inside your heart to fester and be cancerous or gangrene .

They wont heal for 20 or 30 years,if you are a woman.You become a candidate for cancer, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, and may raise stress levels and increase the risk of heart disease or depression.

Your physical and mental health will be short circuited or gone haywire.There is no happiness but only strife and bickerings in your home. You become like cats and dogs and will bark and meow at each other.

If you really cannot be a good and happily married couple, there is no point in staying in that marriage. Your destiny together has ended.It is time to let each other go and seek your own happiness…

credit and thanks to,2933,177840,00.html

Bad Marriage May Be Bad for Both Men and Women,2933,169634,00.html

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The road to eternity is never ending and as we travel on this journey through Earth, we should enjoy each day as it comes .It is not about who you are but what you can do to enrich others life. "To know God is love" blog was created on 29th. June 2009

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