Monday, December 8, 2008

Modern women - an unhappy lot ?

Women are complex human beings with many needs.Today , the modern,liberated and emancipated women are more unhappy than their mother's generations.

They have made much progress in their fight for equality with the men and as a result they have enjoyed their successes but along with it comes with a heavy price.

They are over worked, over tired, over stressed and over exhausted.There is no more juice left at the end of the day .They are only ordinary human beings and not a super woman.

Is it true that women are more unhappier than men?

It is not easy to satisfy a woman ,for they have high ideals,a perfectionist ,many insatiable wants and needs, more critical ,more competitive and more ambitious.

To buy one pair of shoes/dress/handbag, a woman may walk the whole shopping mall or all the shopping malls in the town before she is satisfied with one that she likes .

After much deliberations , she may not buy it at that instant and goes home and regret about it. She would be thinking of that item through out the day and week until either she gets it or someone else bought it .

Women of today has gained much freedom and independence and some are making more than the men. They have made an impact in every aspect of the society.

Women are redefining their roles in this new age.They are now equal and on par with the men ,though there are some bias systems that do not give them equal pay for equal work.There are still gender inequalities in some industries or sectors of the economy.

The traditional thinking of women only belonging in the home and kitchen does not apply anymore in this modern world.

Some women do have a choice to be a full time housewife or a working mum or the sole bread winner.They have more choices than men.

With this added on responsibilities of work and home, it is no wonder many women find themselves short changed.

They are now doing a man's job and at the same time a woman's responsibilities to the child and home. Their mothers only had to take care of the family and home .

They are financially helping their husband's burdens, but sadly many husbands do not help much with the house chores.With their wives working , the men can work less and relax more .

The men are happier, they don't have to foot the whole bill for the family and they can have some golf game with their buddies.

The demands from the work and the responsibilities of being a wife , mother and housekeeper becomes too heavy for her to shoulder.

Many tasks need to be done and she may not find the time nor the energy to complete them .With so many tasks still undone ,how could she feel happy?

She cannot relax and be happy. Her unhappiness may snowballed as the workload piled up.

She wants to conform to her ideals or to those around her but it is impossible to achieve single handedly.Her anxieties and worries grows and she becomes depressed.More women than men are depressed.

Whether she is married or single ,most women worry about their changing body image,physical attractiveness , their self esteem and are always not contented with what they have. They have to pander to their bodies unlike men .

The fashion industry is making their plight even worse with the new size '0′ outfits.Why don't the fashion designers use real persons?

Women have a longer 'to do list' and they cannot sit back and relax, they don't have the time to be happy..LOL!

She can be unhappy over many things, it could be her husband, the children , her in laws , her home , her boss, her friends and lastly herself.

The key to happiness is contentment and in the little things in life and not in having plenty of money, achievements or possessions.

If you want them to be happy , the men must give them tons of love , understandings and a pair of able hands to help lighten her workload.

credit and thanks to

We're tired all the time, say 60 per cent of working mothers

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