Saturday, December 6, 2008

Is virginity still a prized asset?

Whether it will be a prized asset or not will depend on where you are from .In certain modern society, there is nothing to shout about and there is nothing of value attached to it.It is a sign that she has grown up and is ready for sex. Some may have regretted losing their virginity too early but they will get over it .

Will you go looking for a virgin bride or you don't give a damn?

In the olden times , a bride must be a virgin or the men could divorce her.It was a very prized asset ,for only the man who loved her and married her could taste her forbidden fruit.

If she was not a virgin, she would be considered an unchaste, spoilt, dirty and cheap woman or a harlot. Women in those times had to guard their virginity or they would never get married.

In some religions , a girl can only lose her virginity upon marriage. They would frowned upon those who lose it before marriage.

Times have changed and in this new sexual openness, promiscuity and sexual revolution , such thoughts would seem archaic.

Girls are losing their virginity as early as 12 in this internet and digital age in some Western countries.It sounds cool to lose one's virginity and if you did not , you would look odd and weird.It is like you are not there if you are still a virgin.

Many factors could account for this behaviour.It could be due to peer pressures, curiosity, exposure to the internet etc.

Virginity is a girl's most prized asset in certain parts of this world.You can only give it once and you are expected to give this gift to the man you love the most and want to marry.Some girls do online auctions and it can sometimes reach 20k or more.

As a man , would you really care if your future wife is a virgin or not ?If you really love her , will it matters that much?

It is quite a paradox.Women can accept their man if he is not a virgin or if he had some sexual experiences.He is expected to know and learn about sex. Whereas, a man may not accept a woman who is not a virgin.

In conclusion, some men are very touchy about this topic. Virgin or not virgin , it is for the men to find out.Once he is married to the girl, he has no more rights to rant or cry foul.

As for women , your secrets lie within you and what happened before you met your future husband is of no concern to him. No need to confess everything clean .

If he wants to marry you, he has to take lock stock and barrel. You come in a package and he has no options to select what he wants from you.

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