Saturday, December 13, 2008

A woman's right to choose

A pix of an unborn 23 weeks old foetus

Why shouldn't a woman has the right to choose an abortion if she wants it ?

Generally, most women think that it is their sole right to abort or not to abort the foetus. No one should tell her what to do or cannot do. This may sound like her fundamental right but there are other mitigating factors to consider.

The baby is in her body and depends on her for it's existence and no one else but what about the father and the unborn child? Do they have no right at all?

Is the child not another human being with a life ?Does the unborn child has no right to live ? Medical science have proven beyond doubt that the human embryo or foetus is biologically separate from its mother.It only depends on the mother for the food and warmth.Just like those children which depends on her for their food and shelter.

The law recognized that if a woman convict is pregnant she cannot be sentenced to death until the baby is born. The baby is innocent.

Why then do society allow a woman to have an abortion if they wanted it?Do they condone the killing of an innocent and young life ? Was it because they fear that the mothers would go to some back lane unqualified doctors which may harmed their health ?

In the UK , the Abortion act allows women to have a legal terminations at 24 weeks. At the moment , there is a majority of people in Britain who felt that abortion should not be made easier but more difficult to obtain. They felt that the limit should be brought down to 13 weeks.

Should the law be amended to this new limit?

At 23 weeks ,the baby can be born prematurely and can survived outside the womb, thanks to new and improved medical science.

We know that as early as 13 weeks, a foetus appears to yawn and rub their eyes; that at 15 weeks, they gain a sense of taste; that at 18 weeks they begin to hear (from Amanda Platell of the

Getting an unwanted pregnancy is a woman’s worst fear.Even though you had taken precautions , it does happen sometimes because nothing is 100% guaranteed. If you are confirmed pregnant , your nightmares begins…

In the UK , you could go for an abortion even if it is 24 weeks old. In Malaysia, legalised abortion is only on certain conditions, results of rape or confirmed deformity of foetus by a doctor.

If you need an abortion , you will have to seek a doctor in the private practice and not the govt. hospitals.It is against the law and those caught will have their license suspended.

Some will visit those back lane and dubious qualified doctors to performed the abortions which can be dangerous to the mother’s life.

I think abortions should only be done when the mother is totally incapable of taking care of herself or her baby or the state does not have the facilities to provide and take care of them until the babies are born.

By providing an easy access to abortion as in the UK, many mothers will choose the easy way out of her predicaments and later regret for her decisions.Some used the abortions as a contraceptive method and have no regards whatsoever about the foetus.It is just unfortunate that they do not respect the sanctity of life

If it is more difficult for them to have abortions ,they may give birth and find that having a baby can be a joy .If they are unable to take care of them , they could put it up for adoptions. There are many childless couples who would gladly adopt them.

Before the baby is born , they may have a lot of fears but when the baby is born , they will find love and attachments to the little bundle of joy. God’s creations is majestic….

What’s life if you do not want your very own flesh ,blood and bones ?
How sad when you placed other things more important than your very own flesh and blood!

Some parents allow their young child to decide and many may not know the consequences of it or the lack of information's to help them to decide.They cannot make well informed decisions and will follow the general trend prevailing at that moment.

Society does not value parent hood but about financial success,exclusive lifestyles and good education.It is about getting a university degree and getting a high paying job and the baby will have to be sacrifice .

Yes ! You have the right to choose to abort but you will have to live with the guilt and the sentence all through out your life on Earth.

Credit and thanks to

What happens during an abortion.

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The road to eternity is never ending and as we travel on this journey through Earth, we should enjoy each day as it comes .It is not about who you are but what you can do to enrich others life. "To know God is love" blog was created on 29th. June 2009

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