Monday, December 1, 2008

Uninvited Sexual Harassment's From Strangers Or Friends.

It’s a woman’s life and she encounters it all the time.Wherever she goes ,at whatever time of the day and where there are men around ,she would faced some sort of sexual harassment's ,in the form of uninvited comments , leering, stares , ogled ,jeering's,wolf whistles, accidental brushing or gropings.

Sometimes she just walked away so as not to create a scene or a problem.At other times she will raised up to the challenge and gave the obnoxious harasser a piece of her mind.

Those men think women are easy targets as they are physically weaker and they could take advantage of those women.These men are really cowards.

If the problem demands a response ,women should make a fuss and loudly condemned those men to shame them.A woman in anger is a fearful thing.Dont go overboard if the man turns violent.It is never smart to argue with a moron.

Her barks are worse than her bites. The men cannot touched you or you can report him for molest and battery.The charge may not stick but it will give him some problems and his reputations would be tainted and smeared.

If you go out with a b/f you would experienced less of such harassment's, unfortunately , not all women have a b/f or male escort.

That does not mean that you will not be harassed. If you are at the wrong place and at the wrong time, anything can happened to both of you.

What else can you do? You do not have much options other than just ignoring those oxy-morons.As long as they don't threatened you or groped you ,just see no evil and hear no evil.

Avoid those places if you can… low life creatures hangouts.

Posted by Laura

suggested readings,,2161977,00.html

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The road to eternity is never ending and as we travel on this journey through Earth, we should enjoy each day as it comes .It is not about who you are but what you can do to enrich others life. "To know God is love" blog was created on 29th. June 2009

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