Saturday, December 6, 2008

Over-Protective Parents Robbing Children Of Their Childhood.

We just cant help being over protective of our children because the world we lived in is no more peaceful and a safe place .

Everyday we read the daily news of rapes ,molestations, murders, muggings, robberies and snatch thefts . Almost someone in the family or friends or relatives were victims of such crimes.

Children are very vulnerable and they cannot protect themselves.Gone were those days when children were as free as a bird and they could go anywhere without their parents worrying.

In the present generations , the children are like birds in cages with their wings clipped and could not fly far without their parents anxieties and worries about their safety's.

We cannot blamed those parents for being over protective of their children.It is better to be safe and sound than to regret later.

In our zeal to protect them from harm, some parents may have become over protective and very restrictive of their children's movements and freedoms.

Have we become too overprotective of our children?

If we have ,we could have stifled them in their youthful developments that they could encounter problems in latter life.

They may have mental health and behavioral problems.Childhood is a vital part of the children's development,and if they are denied their childhoods, it can have serious implications.

These days , most parents confined their children indoors and not letting them mixing around with other kids from their neighbourhood.

The present generation children are burdened by school homework, extra tuitions , music lessons, dancing lessons, swimming lessons etc ,that they just don't have the time to play and being just kids.

Are we putting too much pressures on those children to excel?

Are we expecting too much from those kids?Are we forcing them to be adults quickly .These are the questions parents will have to answer.

If what they did was inappropriate , their children will have to bear their mistakes all their life's.

We are denying youngsters a proper childhood by keeping them indoors playing video games, watching T.V or videos, instead of letting them go outside to play, to run about, to get to know others and to basked in the sun.

By keeping them indoors we failed to teach them how to deal with risks and learn to get on with others. They may only mixed in a controlled environment like in kindergartens or schools but never on their own freewill.

When they are on their own , they will learn their mistakes and learn the rudiments of life.
We cannot teach them everything, they will have to discover some of the mysteries of life by themselves.

Credit and special thanks to and

suggested readings

Effects of over protective parents .

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The road to eternity is never ending and as we travel on this journey through Earth, we should enjoy each day as it comes .It is not about who you are but what you can do to enrich others life. "To know God is love" blog was created on 29th. June 2009

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