Sunday, December 14, 2008

Women rules and shoulder more burdens than men.

Modern women have come a long way and they enjoy many equal rights as the men in the modern and Western liberated society. Many women now wear the pants in the family as they are now taking home a bigger pay cheque than him.Some of them have eclipsed their men and there is a reversal of roles.

The rise of the modern women in the man's world have created upheavals in the society.They are now competing on the same levels with the men in the work force and in many cases are raising faster than the men in the higher hierarchy of the economy.

In many third world countries , the women are pushed to the fore unwittingly and sometimes with bitterness as the men pulled back from being the responsible sole breadwinner.Circumstances favours the women in this new era as the men find less opportunities for employment

The women in these countries take on the mantle of the men and rule the family as the men abdicates their financial responsibilities.Most men would just abdicate and let the women rule in the family

The women are complaining and bitter about the men who are not pulling their weights in the family. His salary could be used for his parents or sibilins who need his financial help. This can be a very sore point between them as money is never enough.

Some of the men could be loafing around or doing nothing productive to help her burdens.He may even spend her hard earned income on his vices.

Some men live on their wive’s income and become househusbands.He does the role of the caregiver and housekeeper.

When their men are retrenched or unable to provide for more as the family grows, the women has to shoulder more and more of the household expenses.

One day in the distant future, the females may rule the world and men will be subjected under their controls.The most powerful nation in the world may soon have a woman president in the next round.

The hard working men who are sole breadwinners who provide for their families are slowly fading with the older generations.

This is a sad fact, as the women enter the work force, the men are made redundant and it affects the family structures and overturned the societies traditional concepts , norms and practices..

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The road to eternity is never ending and as we travel on this journey through Earth, we should enjoy each day as it comes .It is not about who you are but what you can do to enrich others life. "To know God is love" blog was created on 29th. June 2009

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