Thursday, December 11, 2008

Don't worry - Be happy !

You often wonder why you are so tired and exhausted before the end of the day ? Could it be your diet or you have been working too hard ?

If is it not , then you have worried too much and wasted too much brain energy over this unproductive activity. You should free your brain and use those resources to concentrate on your work.

Worrying is an unhealthy exercise and yet many people worry over everything and anything , especially woman.Worrying can overworked your brain cells and make them die faster.

They can also make you look sad and robbed you of your youthful and beautiful look.You may be 20 but you could looked like in the 40's.

When you worry too much , you will think too much and don't give your brains time to rest.When you think too much , you cannot sleep and have no peace. When you don't have enough sleep, you will find you will have many sleep deprivation sickness, headache, dizziness ,no appetite,, weak in body and mind.

Your mind will be consumed with worries and you wont be able to think straight and you will make wrong decisions or make plenty of mistakes. When you make mistakes or unable to decide, your productivity falls and this may affect those people around you.

Friends may avoid you because you may looked like a devil and nobody likes being in the company of a sad person. When you smile , the whole world smiles with you, when you cry , you will cry alone.

When you worry , it means that you don't trust and understand God. You have no faith in God.

You maybe genuinely concerned about it, but you should not worry. Worry only immobilized you as you cannot do anything about it.You may plan for tomorrow ,which is time well spent but worrying about tomorrow is time wasted.

Give God first place in your life and everything will fall into place.He knows what you need .Don't be anxious or worry about tomorrow or the future,.Live one day at a time.God will take care of tomorrow ..Quit worrying, because it wont make you live longer but may shorten your life.

Whenever I feel worried about something, I would give that burden to Jesus and trust that He will take care of it. I will say a little prayer and then stop worrying about it. If anything that is negative pops into my mind, I know it is not from God and I will not entertain it.The devil shoots his arrows at you if you allow him. Put on your armour of faith to defend against the devil.

Que ! Sera ! Sera !... What ever happens will happens .This is life..
Be happy and enjoy each day as it comes.

Mathews 6:25 to 6:34

Therefore I tell you ,stop being perpetually uneasy (anxious and worried ) about your life , what you shall eat, or what you shall drink, or about your body, what you shall put on.Is life not greater (in quality ) than food and the body (far above and more excellent ) than clothing? (The Amplified Bible)

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The road to eternity is never ending and as we travel on this journey through Earth, we should enjoy each day as it comes .It is not about who you are but what you can do to enrich others life. "To know God is love" blog was created on 29th. June 2009

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