Monday, December 8, 2008

Are You A Workaholic ?

Everything done in moderation's is good and anything excessive is bad for your health. In the present era with sky high rocketing cost of living , many people will have to work two or three jobs to cover their monthly expenses.

They become workaholics not of their choice.Downsizing is not an option to these people who has to maintain their status.

There are no workaholics because no one would admit or label himself as a workaholic.It is an obsessive and compulsive disorder.

I see many are blogaholics.If you got other ‘aholics’ , they are also bad and unhealthy.

Some people have two or three jobs because one job is not enough for them to maintain their same lifestyle..

Some are forced to work harder and longer because they have taken many loans , housing loans , renovation loans ,car loans , student loans ,personal loans and spending's on credit cards or loans from ‘Ah Long’s ‘( unlicense money lenders)

Every thing requires money and the expenses for living have gone through the roof.The cost of living has gone up but his pay is still the same.

He does not want to be an a workaholic but by default he is one due to circumstances beyond his control. He either has to bring back more bread or he will have to downgrade his lifestyle which is unpalatable .

He becomes like a robot or a worker ant . All his life, he will be a slave to money.Money is his God. What’s the meaning of life?

He works all his waking life and have no time for his wife and kids. In the long term , the kids grow up without knowing him , while his wife may leave him or have an affair because he neglected her .

Only the rare woman would appreciate your sacrifice for the family while , generally ,many woman would feel lonely and neglected and starved of their emotions.They may seek love and emotional attachments with another man.

Whats the point of working till your back breaks when your children grows up without knowing you or your wife seeks the arm of another man?

You should balance your life. Work / career is important but don't totally neglect your family or be a miser to them. They also need your love , time and person.

When you are young , you think that after you are married and have kids, it is time to concentrate on your careers.

It is not wrong to think this way . But many young people made the mistake of working 24/7 and forgot that their wife and kids too need their attentions and love. You need to spend time with them to build up your close rapport with them, your wife in particular.

If you work hard, then play hard too..Have a more balance life. Career and family are equally important. Career is to bring home the bacon while family life is to enjoy because your kids will grow up very fast and soon you will have an empty nest.

credit and thanks to

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The road to eternity is never ending and as we travel on this journey through Earth, we should enjoy each day as it comes .It is not about who you are but what you can do to enrich others life. "To know God is love" blog was created on 29th. June 2009

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