Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hitting a woman is indefensible.

Hitting a woman is indefensible unless your life is in danger.It is a social norm that a man should not hit a woman under any circumstances whatsoever.

A man should try to control his emotions but it is not easy when he is pushed off the cliff. There are limits that he can take and to expect him to be perfect is demanding more than he can give .

It is wise for the women to recognize where are his limits and not go beyond that point.He is not an angel but only a human being.

If she pushed him over the cliff, she will released those violent demons in him and he is no more in control of his senses. Whatever happens after that is the result of your actions which precipitated his reactions.You asked for it.

A man can only take that much , if you continue to insult him or belittle him further after he had shown signs of losing control, you should stop and leave him there and then or just shut up and be silent.

He cannot win the argument with you and he wants to shut you up and that is the only way he was brought up to do in such situations.

When we are young, we can have great ideals . We can say we will not abuse anyone or hit any woman. But in real life, it is not so black and white.

It is easy to judge and condemn those men.
We can judged and condemned men who hit their wives.But do you really understand why some men acted that way?

If you have not experienced under those same conditions , you will never understand why some men hit their wives..

Everyone of us has a tolerance level and breaking point. If we are provoked beyond this point, there is no saying what will happen to a man.

He can go berserk or amok and he cannot control his emotions and which can lead to violence.He is no more himself and the devil is in the control.

Women should be wise and know when to shut their mouth.When your husband is very agitated, stop, or you will make him jump over the cliff.

You cant win any arguments with him when his mind is in overdrive and it can only lead to violence against you.

He has no intentions of hitting you but you went beyond his tolerance level and he is no more in control of his emotions.

When your husband or b/f raises his voice in any tiff, it is a warning signal.Don't go beyond the speed limit,change topics or keep quiet.

Be patient ,wait for a better time to talk over it again when he is in a happier mood

In the same way, women have been known to retaliate physically against their boyfriends.

Some of us cannot control our anger or rage. When certain sensitive points are raised , we flew into a rage and hit out without thinking.After that we regret our actions, too late.

Domestic violence is ever present if you do not know how to manage him. If you allow the abuse to go on and not checked it , he will grow into a monster and it will be difficult to control. Your life would be like hell.Nip the problem in the bud or get out of that environment.

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The road to eternity is never ending and as we travel on this journey through Earth, we should enjoy each day as it comes .It is not about who you are but what you can do to enrich others life. "To know God is love" blog was created on 29th. June 2009

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