Monday, December 8, 2008

Exotic Foods That Titillate Your Senses.

The Chinese and some Asians are connoisseurs of exotic foods. There are no taboo's for them . They will eat anything that walks,fly , swims or crawls on Earth .Nothing is sacred , as they think of ingenious ways to prepare them and when it is in small morsels or mouth bite pieces , you would not know what it is or from where it comes from. Everything that is edible will be eaten with gusto
Where there are Chinese , there will be exotic foods ,if you know where to find it. To the Chinese and some other races eating the penises from animals will make them more masculine ,potent ,virile and strengthen their libidos.

Dare to take the ultimate challenge like the ‘Fear factor!’
Eat them raw like sushi - Yummy! Yummy! Yeeeeeooow!Only for the strong and nerves of steel!!

cicada’s, scorpion’s and sea horse’s


How about braised camel’s hump, carp float bladders, scorpions, sea slugs , Sago worms, silkworm larvae, dried frogs, pig's testicles, snakes,rats, dogs ,cats eyes,live monkey brains rat babies just born(wrapped with salad leaf , swallowed whole),cockroaches, grasshoppers.. etc

To the West, it is disgusting and maybe nauseating to eat all those organs or animals.But if you suddenly find yourself in the jungle and need to survive, you will have to eat whatever to keep you alive…

They are not only boosting the male sex drive but also a remedy for other ailments. They believe that if you eat whatever organs of an animal , it will help the same human organs. Those animal organs contain some type of enzymes which can regenerate your organs. There is some scientific truth in this.

In the West we have the Rocky Mountain oysters, mountain oysters, prairie oysters, Montana tendergroin or swinging sirloin are American culinary names given to buffalo, boar or bull testicles.

They are usually peeled, coated in flour, pepper and salt, sometimes pounded flat, then deep-fried - wikipedia

Are they really effective ? I think it does in some way and the psychological effects will make them think they have increased their virility..the mind then acts on the commands and make more blood flows to down there…

I think those foods are mostly for the males and may not be beneficial to the females ..They better dont eat them or they may lose their femininity ..LOL!

credit and thanks to:-

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