Monday, December 1, 2008

Organic Or Non Organic Foods?

We have read of organic foods and the papers touted the goodness of organic foods over the non organic foods.

Organic foods is the new food for the century . It is more pricey than the non organic foods but are they better ?

What is organic foods?

According to Wikipedia ,for crops, it means they were grown without the use of conventional pesticides, artificial fertilizers, human waste, or sewage sludge, and that they were processed without ionizing radiation or food additives.

How do they fertilize the crops?

The farmers used crop rotations to put back the nutrients back into the soil.

For animals, it means they were reared without the routine use of antibiotics and without the use of growth hormones.

The organic method of farming is more superior than the non organic way as they don't use all those chemical fertilizers and pesticides which is harmful to humans.

The foods we take today contains a lot of chemicals and a high level of pesticides which can cause cancers and health related sickness.

The farmers being more profit oriented , used unethical methods to increased their productions to the detriments of our health.

Organic foods is good but in their preparations , it was found that ,there were no difference from non organic foods and some of the organic foods contained more saturated fats or trans fats , sodium and sugar .

Too much salt in any food has been linked to high blood pressure and an increase risk in heart disease.

Too much of those fats can increase the likelihood of obesity and health problems such as diabetes, stroke and arthritis. Trans fats have been banned from those fast foods in the US.

I don't understand why those foods are so salty. The food tasted good but after consuming it , you would feel very thirsty and you need to drink lots of water.The children don't find it saltish especially those prawn crackers.

The Chinese and the Japanese likes to add food enhancers like ‘Aji-No-Moto’ (Mono sodium glutamate) to their foods to make them appetizing.

Posted by Laura

suggested readings

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