It is no more shocking to read those news. The age of sex has crept lower and lower and it is a sign of the times.The attitudes and values about sex has changed .
The media's portrayal of sex , the easy availability of sex from the internet and their busy parents are the some of the reasons for the change in the outlook and norms .
Those young girls are experiencing sex at an earlier age because of a change in attitude towards virginity.Virginity is no more an honour but a burden and they are in a hurry to lose their virginity to any guy.
The younger generations do not think highly of virginity and if they are still virgin by 15, she would be considered uncool or not the 'in' crowd. She maybe shunned from her group and some girls would lie about losing their virginity.
Having sex even if consensual is statutory rape under the law. Most of the girls have sex with their casual friends or boyfriends and some of them are about the same age.
The punishment is not the same depending on the man's age. If they are the same age or 2 years older, the man is fined , send to reform school , given probation or sometimes jailed.
The sentence is severe if the man is much older, he maybe jailed longer(18 to 20 years) and given six strokes of the cane.Even if the girls consented or lie about their age.
The underage girl is not punished as she is considered a minor and not responsible for her actions. She may lie about her age and in that heated moment , the men may not bother to check.
Those underage girls are engaging in unsafe sex and as a result they became pregnant or infected with STI's. Most of those girls do not understand the consequences or the responsibilities of their sexual exploits.
It is not entirely their fault because parents are too busy with their jobs and left their children to their own devices or under the care of their grandparents or maids.
The parents did not pay much attention to their daughters activities and those young girls have a tendency to lie about their activities from their parents.
Parents will have to get more involved in their teen's life and monitor their activities.It is the time when they require more attentions and love. When they don't get them , they will seek outside and from any man who would give them.
Reference and thanks to :-
Saturday, August 8, 2009
More girls aged below 14 are having sex.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Forced to perform sexual acts with her husband's friends while he watched.
Sometimes, she performs with her husband's friend while he watched on the sideline and other times they performed together while his friend watched. Maybe, they even had a threesome on some occasions.
Oh! What a wicked society this world has become!
Their world came crushing down when the woman got tired of it and reported to the police about their going on.
Why did she only come out in the open after four long years ?
The idea of asking your wife to have sex with your friend is repugnant and repulsive. She is not a commodity where you can trade her services. There is something not right if she agrees to do as she is told.
It is not just a simple matter to do the sexual act like those animals and act like nothing happens after.There are complex issues to over come as women are wired differently.
The emotional,mental and psychological issues may weigh heavily on the women and affect their future relationship.It is like letting the green and evil demons out from the dark dungeons and there is no knowing what havoc they will create.
There are some circumstances where the women are forced to have sex with those loan sharks when her husband cannot repay his debts or owe debts to others because of his addiction to gambling.
Some low life men may even pimp their wives and live off their immoral earnings.
It is very degrading to the women and no women should be forced to do what she does not want.
In some societies,like the Eskimo's, their women welcome guest to their home by sleeping with them .
There are free thinking couples who willingly or one of them being coerced to go to those swing parties.It could be the man or the woman who initiate the sexual exploits.
Some of them may have a dull sex life or their marriage is in a rut and wanted to spice up their sex life by going to those swing parties or having a friend for a threesome.
It maybe fun and exciting but the after effects may be very bitter.Whether one is forced or a willing participant, the end result does not auger well for that relationship.
Reference and thanks to :-,4136,208947,00.html
Monday, July 27, 2009
Women, unusual sex and black magic .
In this modern times, do you believe that the devil can have carnal intercourse with a woman ?
Whether it is a myth or fact, it is believed that some angels secretly left Heaven for Earth to disguise themselves as men and have sex with the women and they were discovered and banished from Heaven. They were fallen angels and Earth became their abode.
There are a lot of people who believed in black magic ,especially people from Malaysia, Thailand and other countries. They believed some people have those powers to call upon those dark evil forces to do their bidding's.Some followers of these occult even rear those spirits to look after their house or properties.
Two women have filed for divorce on grounds that their husbands' unusual sex drive is linked to black magic. Having sex more than 10 times a day is very unusual and abnormal!
Either you have got a very strange and abnormal ailment or you are demonically possessed with those supernatural strengths.
They found the riddle to his unusual sex drive. There were two of them! How is this possible and why they did not detain the other person is a mystery.
Those men must have dealt in black magic according to those people. When they discovered the other person , it must have disappeared into the thin air.
Were there devil or devils who took turns having sex with those two women ?
Having sex for more than 10 times a day is no easy feat.There is definitely something fishy and supernatural about those two men. Pity those poor women who did not know what they got into .
Reference and thanks to :-
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sex with a younger woman is a perfect recipe for keeping men healthy and fit ?
The simple way to keep men healthy is to have sex daily , especially with a younger woman ! Not every man will be able to follow this prescription. The majority will still have to take their high blood pressure pills, their chlorestrol pills and their multivitamin pills and exercise daily.
This is like a dream come true but how many men in their twilight years can have sex everyday? No fears ! There is now the Viagra tablet to perk him up and continue his amorous lifestyle.
It is simple to say that having sex daily can make men healthy. Before you can have sex, you need the energy and fitness to have sex. It is like the chicken comes first or the egg comes first argument ?
If you are not fit and healthy , you cannot enjoy your sex. Another school of thoughts says, you need to be healthy to enjoy sex.
In order to have sex daily , you will need to eat right, exercise regularly,relax and have enough sleep. You need to feel mentally and physically fit and then you will feel good about everything including sex. There is no shortcut to health by just having daily sex and ignoring all those other factors.
You may have to use drugs to sustain the pace and the daily sex may either spur you to keep fit or it will drag you down the over exertion road and the end result is a spent and lifeless lump of flesh .You may even suffer a heart attack.
Your brain is the most important sex organ. If it is not well taken care off, you won't be able to perform or feel good about anything.
Want to feel happy , healthy and erotic?
Reference and thanks to :-,22049,25736322-5006007,00.html
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Bra's for MEN !
Whoever said that bra's are only for women ? Some men have breast too and sometimes even bigger than their girlfriends !
Adolescent boys and middle-aged men sometimes develop breasts which is called, 'Moobs.'Some of them elect surgery to reduce their breasts .
Would you date or accept a man who wears a bra?
This is just a hypothetical question as many average Joe would not dare to wear one openly except in the country of Japan. It may be gaining in popularity in some other countries .
Only those transgenders and transvestite would be willing to wear a bra because they perceived themselves as females.The other group are the cross dressers who have a fetish for woman's lingerie . Those hot blooded males would off course not want to be associated with them.
In Japan,a bra made especially for men is taking the country by storm. Men who wear bras are known as "Bra-o", which means "Bra men".In some places, they have coined a new name for it , 'Bro for men.'
The bra's are available in a choice of white, pink and black and retail for around £20. They are all A cup size with chest size ranging from 32ins to 38ins.
Wearing the bra can relieve stress and make the guys feel kinder, gentler, more receptive .(more feminine? )Perhaps, they may feel more sexy too..LOL!
Do you think it is cute or a turn off ?
You maybe able to accept him in the confines of the privacy of your home but what about your friends? That can be a sticky matter.
What is it like for a man to wear a bra?
If you have never worn a bra in your life, you would not know how it feels like?
Wearing a bra can make you feel like you are being perpetually hugged and gives you those same feelings.That is if they are nicely fitted or you will find much discomfort with those too loose or too tight straps. There are many kinds of bra's.
The functions of those male bra's are different from the female bra's ,they typically flatten rather than lift them up .Some men who have large breasts as a result of obesity, muscular development, or gynecomastia may choose to wear a brassiere to provide support for their breasts and to flatten their appearance.
Men with larger than usual breast may find it painful if they are involved in vigorous sports . Their breast may swing to extremes and cause pain to them.
There is sometimes no medical necessity for men to wear bra's just like some women.It is more of a fashion and a trend.
Is our society ready for this trend ?
Reference and thanks to :-
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
He is a teacher, gigolo and brothel manager.
He is a school games master , a gigolo and runs a brothel with his wife.What a life !While selling your body for money is not illegal in England, profiting from prostitution is.
His secret came out in the open during a police probe into illegal sex-trafficking from Eastern Europe in that red light district.
Being a respectable teacher, he should know the consequences of mixing those jobs together.You either have to choose one or the other.After he was exposed, he had to leave the teaching profession.
Why did he turn to vice?
We won't know the actual reasons but the lure of the cash and the excitements was too tempting for him and his wife was an expert in that field.
His wife has been a prostitute since she was 16.I am sure that he knew what she was doing before he married her.It is admirable that he married a hooker but her dark world done him in .
Profiting from prostitution even though the girls are willing is against the law .He may have provided the safety and the amenities for those hookers but if there is no law for legalized prostitution then he has broken the law. In some countries where prostitution is legalized, then it is not an offense.
For those who intent to moonlight as a social escort or a part time hooker/gigolo,you better count the cost because you cannot have a foot in the respectable world and another foot in the deep and murky cesspool.
Reference and thanks to :-
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Students rampage and terrorize teacher at his home
10 secondary school students went on a rampage at their teacher's house , terrorized the teacher and damaged two cars. The group of Form Three students wanted to exact revenge because a classmate was caned by the teacher earlier in the day.
Those students went to the teacher's house and challenged the teacher to come out.What were their intentions? Were they there to warn the teacher or to challenge the teacher to a fight or give him back the same medicine?
Their behaviour was unruly or they were known bad boys in the school and the teacher did not come out to meet them. When they were ignored, they began to issue threats and climbed over the wall into the porch and damaged the two cars with stones .
It is a sad event and showed the failure of the system to imposed discipline on those wayward students. Being a disciplinary teacher can be a dangerous vocation judging by this latest actions .Teacher's car being splashed with paint or acid and scratched is quite common.
I hope the authorities would take the appropriate actions to prevent and deter such incidents. Canning may not be appropriate in the present times.Counseling and finally expulsion or suspension would be more effective if the student have a disciplinary record
Reference and thanks to :-
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Male robber became sex slave to female hairstylist !
Can you imagine this situation where a male robber intending to rob a hair saloon of the day's takings but instead he was captured and turned into a sex slave by the female hairstylist.He met his match and got more than he bargained for . Should he complain?
It sounds like a sexual fantasy of some men or a storyline in a porn DVD. Who would imagine such a scenario to happen in real life ? It is really shocking that women are capable of such acts and turning the tables on the men.
Probably he is too good looking or the hairstylist is a sex pervert wanting to extract some form of punishment.This is a highly unusual news .I don't know whether to believe this story or not .
This unusual case happened in Russia where another 'weird' case of a woman who raped men by inviting them back to her place and drugging them . What's happening to the women of that country ?
The young hairdresser in Kaluga, Central Russia, locked the robber who tried to steal her money in the basement of the beauty salon and she raped him for three days.He was her prisoner and a sex slave at her bidding's.
She forced him to take several Viagra to maintain his hardness and his frenulum of his penis was torn.Possibly too much sex or too rough treatment on that poor guy ! He was probably sexually tortured and abused and he is lucky he still had his tool intact.
She released him ,bought new jeans for him ,gave him some money and it would look like the matter was settled.
He instead filed a report against her and in response to his report, she reported him for robbery. Now, both of them are charged in court .What's going to happen ?Will both be send to jail ?
Reference and thanks to :-
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Girl Who Doesn't Age..
Brooke Greenberg turned 16 in January. Though she is 16 years old, her physical size and mental capacity has not grown or develop but remain as a toddler. She is about 16lbs and 30 inches.The are many documented instances of children who fail to grow or develop in some way.
If you meet her , you would not understand that she is 16 year's old.Her mother has given up explaining.She doesn't speak, but she laughs when she is happy, and she clearly recognizes the people around her. She looks like a 6-month-old, but she kind of has a personality of a 16-year-old.
She is a unique case. It is like time stood still for her and she is forever stuck in that time warp.Doctors and scientist are puzzled and cannot explain this phenomenon.Nobody knows why and how ?
Will she be forever as she is and how long will she lives? What is her secret ?These are questions , no one knows. Scientists may try to uncover the secrets of aging and find the formula to prevent aging and lives longer.
Her family revolves around her and she is well loved and taken care by them. She was born that way and there is nothing much one can do to change her circumstances.They have learnt to accept her and treat her with much love and care.
Reference and thanks to:-
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Children forced to live in a 'hellish' rubbish dump like home.
You cannot imagine anyone living in that squalid,insanitary and filthy surroundings. It is even worst than a rat nest .The house was knee deep in rubbish and filth and the children were dirty and unkempt.I don't know how the parents can keep their three little children in such a 'hellish' hole !
Go and see for yourself those grim pictures and you will have great revulsion at the squalid, filthy and inhuman living conditions.
The youngsters, aged one, three and four, were kept inside day and night by their cruel parents and forced to play among the filth and rubbish piled high in every room.
The stench was unbearable and the house was littered with rotting food and human excrement. They even covered every windows and kept the house dark from praying eyes.Everything sucks in that house.
Why do they keep all those rubbish in the house?
I don't know their real reasons. Maybe it is because of their 'Bin' laws in their country and they do not want to pay or unable to pay for the disposal of all those rubbish.
Don't they have any common sense and knowledge that an unhealthy surrounding can breed germs and make them sick.Where is their sense of decency ? Surely there must be a way to dispose of those unwanted rubbish.
The children was rescued from that shit hole and their parents, the 26-year-old man and 25-year-old woman were jailed for three years.
What they did was totally incomprehensible?
The unemployed father suffered from anxiety and a fear of open spaces and that probably is the reason for living in that squalid conditions.
Reports from two paediatricians revealed the children showed a ‘developmental delay’ with an aversion to washing and language problems. That is the result of living in isolation and lacking the parental care and attentions.
Now that the children are placed under the state, I hope they will have a chance to grow up in a proper surrounding and given the proper due care.
Reference and thanks to :-
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sicko Voyeur taking upskirt pix in hypermarkets and bookshops.
These people are sicko's who use the latest technology in mini spy cameras to catch the view of a woman's up skirt.It is an offense for outraging the modesty of a female and you can be fined or jailed or both.
With today's technology and cell phone cameras,no one is safe. Your most private moments maybe captured on somebody's camera or video. You will need to be extra careful in whatever you do .Even good friends may do it to you and you cannot trust anyone these days.
The next time you wear short skirts and go to hypermarkets, bookshops or any public places, be vigilant of strangers or friends who stand too close to you. I hope this will not make everyone of us paranoid .
There are at least nine pictures allegedly taken up the skirts of women in the country and have been widely circulated via the Internet recently. There could be more and probably in hundreds unless this sicko is caught.
All the women who had their pictures taken were obviously too engrossed in either reading books or looking for groceries.
You may ask , What is the hell wrong with these guys?'Have they not seen bikini women before ?
It is believed that the voyeur could have fixed a pinhole camera to his shoes or use a hidden camera in a bag before snapping the pictures by standing next to his unsuspecting victims.
The voyeur can be anyone ,even professional people who looks nice and decent on the outside but are perverts and have a warped mind inside.
Reference and thanks to :-
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Russian woman is a serial man rapist !
She is a young, quiet and quite good looking Russian woman. She gets acquainted with the men ,invites her victims back to her place , sedates them with clonidine .After that she undressed her victims and raped them., tightening a rope on their male organs to keep them erect.
When the victims wake up in the hospital, all they could remember was a friendly brunette who gave them drinks. If she uses those odourless and colourless date rape drug, they would not remember anything.
This is certainly extraordinary news. She is a devoted collector of horror films and spiders and could explain her extraordinary circumstances. Inviting the men like the spider telling the fly to come into her parlour. Then injecting her poison into the victim and eating them.
She is kind of weird and prefer such kinky sex where the men lie motionless like dead . She could have been bitten by those spiders and transformed into a spider women..LOL!
I am sure with her physical attributes, she could just invite those men back to her house or hotel room and have sex. Those men who accepted her invitations would probably guess what her intentions were.
Maybe, she is afraid of rejections or the men may get out of control.Whatever her reasons, she finds it better when the men are docile and under her control .
Some men may not object to being raped this way.Their only regret is that they slept though out the ordeal and do not feel any pleasure at all, just the after effects of those drugs and the trauma of it.
There are cases where those rich women who have everything in the world and they would go looking for sex with those tough looking trailer drivers in those stop and rest joints along the highways. It is bizarre but I guess they were not satisfied with their riches and mundane life. They wanted to spice up and live an extreme life.
Reference and thanks to :-
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
A smile makes a woman more attractive than wearing makeups !
Smile! Smile! Smile! And the world smiles with you.A smiling face of a woman is more attractive than the sultry pose of a woman with make ups. A Mona Lisa smile would send those guys tingling in their heads...LOL! WOW! She smiles bewitchingly!
A smile does not cost you anything. You only have to twitch a few face muscles and you can spread the warmth, generate those strong electrical impulses and send them bolting like lightning strikes to your target.
You will instantly transform into the most beautiful woman at that place and time. The more you smile, the more you will exercise your face muscles and be able to fight aging.
You will also elicit the best response from the other person.
If you have a sultry pose and not a grin , you would appear to be moody or uninterested to the men.
A study by Orbit Complete for National Smile Month, has revealed nearly 70 per cent find women more attractive when they smile than when they wear make-up. No need to waste your hard earned money to buy those cosmetics.
Use those make ups only on very special occasions so that he will realize that you are a sparkling gem when you are bedecked with those magical dust. If you put it on everyday, he would take you for granted and there will be nothing very special about you anymore.
Why are you wearing makeups?
Is it not to present yourself in the best looking self ? You may think you are just plain looking or have imperfections which need to cover up. It is not about your looks but your confidence. If you are confident, you will have that kind of look which is very appealing to the opposite sex.
You should not be too self conscious about what other people will think of you .Be natural and smiles always.
Don't you think women are more attractive without their make ups?
Make ups can accentuate certain features but if you are going to spend 24 hours together, it is better to be who you are...
Some women will need to have makeups because it is like a clutch to them. They will need makeups to feel confident. Without it , they will feel naked and too plain looking or flawed.
Each of us are beautiful inside and out and when there is love, everything is very beautiful, for love is blind!
True happiness is achieved not by putting on makeups but by the acceptance of others.
Reference and thanks to :-
Monday, June 15, 2009
Girl from convent school embarks into sleazy life of vice .
She comes from a strict,loving and respectable middle class family and the future looks bright for her.Her father is a merchant navy officer and her mother a teacher.
Her parents had high hopes for her but life was not interesting and exciting enough for her .She craved for the attention and the sex.
The bright lights from the other side of midnight attracted her and swallowed her up and she became a rebel.She started working in a sordid Belgian peepshow and later sold her body for £700-a-night as a hooker. It is so easy .
Sometimes we wonder why good, smart and pretty girls who have everything in life choose that path that leads to hell. It is the love for money and what money can do for them.
Some do it for the money but others do it because they need to constantly seek reassurance of their sexualities or feel the power and control of their sex over the men. There will always be a demand for her type of sexual services because men with plenty of money tend to stray.Those men like varieties.
It seems so easy to be tempted by the cash and the luxury lifestyle.They do not need to have a high IQ ,for their beautiful bodies are all that is required. The more beautiful they are, the more they can command a higher price.
Once they are inside,it is difficult for them to escape.The devil will have a strangle hold over them until they are exploited and squeezed off all their life force.
It is only when they are old and no more attractive that they will be spit out from that sleazy world and new ones to replace those who have worn out and jaded.
The life of a hooker is no bed of roses. They run the risk of death and diseases. It is a lawless world and when you are in a hotel room with a man, you do not know if it will be your last job ,for anything can happen to her in that enclosed space.
Your next client could be someone you know or related and your game will be up .Most of the clients would be disgusting middle age and old men .For the sake of money , they are willing to do anything for it.
In the end, they will have to pay the final price and all those money will not guarantee them a comfortable life.
Reference and thanks to :-
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Moving in with a man makes a woman fat
According to a new study,moving in with the boyfriend is bad for a woman's waistline .Women tend to eat more foods that are higher in sugar and fat, and to exercise less, after moving in with a male counterpart.Women burn less calories than a man and if you eat like him , you will pile on the pounds.
That is the drawback of staying together but if they are happy , does it really matter.
I have seen the men getting fatter after they are married for sometime or when they stay with their partners.The man's health will improve because she will either cook his favourite food or eat more heartily .
When you are happy , your appetite will be good and you tend to consume more. Now that they have found each other , the women do not have to go on a diet any more. Be happy and enjoy life to the fullest!
Since there are two people now , it is easier to order the food and sometimes the surplus is not thrown away , which means that someone will have to store those foods .It would be a waste to throw them away.
Your diets will also change as the two of you do not share the same diets.When you cohabit together , you will share your diets together. Where previously you would not eat those foods because they come in a bigger portion and now you can eat a smaller portion or share with him.
What happens when your waistline grows ?
Another new study says that skipping a meal makes guys more attracted to fat women !I wonder if you really can accept this piece of research? I am the very skeptical kind .
If you believe this hypothesis or B/S, you could starve him a bit and he would be be attracted to your plumber figure . I think he is not attracted to the plumber women but to her food. His brain is in his stomach !....LOL!
Being fat can be like a curse especially for a woman. She will have a low self esteem and she will project it out unto him. If she can still feels his love, she would be a jolly good wife and happy go lucky .
If you don't want your waist line to grow, love him but don't love his diet.
Reference and thanks to :-
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Do girls prefer circumsized or uncircumsized men?
It is no big deal to some girls whether you are cut or uncut. There will be some who won't even notice the difference.Most do not look down there unless they have oral sex. Some may like it cut while others may want it uncut.There are advantages and disadvantages .
In the US, most girls would prefer a circumsized one because they are familiar to it.They have been brought up in that culture as most males are circumsized at birth.
I was under the impression that a circumcised penis would pleasure the women more because of their desensitization and would last longer.
When it comes to performance, which is better ?
Each will claim that theirs is the best but a New Zealand study found that reduced female arousal and fewer female orgasms may be linked to women having sex with circumcised male partners.
Those women reported about twice as likely to experience orgasm if their male partner had a foreskin.Presence of the movable foreskin makes a difference in foreplay, being more arousing to the female. Oops! That is news to me!
From an aesthetic point of view,a circumsized penis would look more clean,exciting,appealing,inviting and sexy to some .But what good is beauty alone if it does not know how to pleasure the opposite sex. There is a purpose for the fore skin to be present .You can read more from this site.
Women tend to fall in love first and when there is love , everything is beautiful.Whether you are cut or cut , it may not be a big deal.But for some , that extra bit of loose skin may give them some extra satisfaction.
Reference and thanks to :-
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I can’t help who I fall in love with.”
A mother looking after her six kids by herself can be a very hard,tough and unrewarding job.Her six children were fathered by four men and now she has abandoned ship and went for her son's best pal who is only 18.She has turned into a cougar.( A middle age woman who falls in love with a man half her age or could be her son's age.)
What made her to ditched her six kids for her son's best pal ?
Debbie Mallinson, 36, fled her home and moved in with toyboy Adam Caban in Falmouth, Cornwall.
The two eldest son went and lived with their relatives while the other four were put into foster care.
She left in a dramatic way by climbing out of the window and sprinting down into a waiting taxi. Was she in any danger that she has to escape in this fashion?
She left after a blazing row with her eldest son. She could have left to teach him a lesson. In the East, mothers are very strict and the children even if physically stronger than the mother would not dare to lay a hand on her.The children would obey the mother most of the time.The children may argue with their mothers but they would not be so bold as to strike their mothers.
Apparently she could not cope with the workload as she phoned the social services.
It is not easy being a single parent. We cannot judge her because she did not get any support from her ex's.
Now , she is free to do whatever she wants but I think she may have regrets . She told social services she wants the kids back eventually and wants to bring them up with her new boyfriend. I don't know if this union will last. Since she already went through with four guys,she will most probably break another record .
Probably when her new boyfriend gets a job and be able to support those kids. It will be a very big burden for such a young man who will have to give up his freedom .An 18 year's old kid may not have the maturity or experience in holding responsibilities in a marriage and he may even have to be taken care off by his parents.
If those four guys cannot last, what are this new lover's chances? He will not be able to take care of her and will have to depend on her .Perhaps ,it is just temporary insanity after all and things will go back to normal again.
There are some women who can give up their children because of their careers or ambitions. There are others who cannot carry on the burden of looking so many kids and simply give up by running away .
It sounds crazy to me but when one is under tremendous pressures and stress, one can just run away from all those difficulties.It is lucky for her to live in that country , there is the social services who will look after her kids by arranging for foster homes.
This is like a comedy and I don't know whether to laugh or to cry for that poor lady.I hope good sense will prevail in the end and that she will come to her senses before those kids reject her.
We cannot stop anyone from falling in love with us but we can control ourselves from falling in love with others.If we cannot help falling in love with anyone,then we will be like some insane person..LOL!
Reference and thanks to :-
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Women are perplexed why men act the way they do ?
In this new age of sexual freedom, the notion of sexual equality have different meanings to both men and women. Many women are painfully unaware that man's sexuality is different from woman.
They grow up thinking that men should think the same way as they do . This is a grave mistake and the sooner they realize the differences, the better they will understand the men.
Men can compartmentalize sex from love and they can have sex devoid of love. They can have sex with anything without any feelings or emotions.
It is like an animal urge which they just do it for the excitements and the release of their sexual tensions due to the build up of those male hormones, testosterone.Those hormones cause them to think of sex every few minutes.
Women think of love,romance, relationships and emotional commitments as more important than sex while the men think of sex first even if they do not declare it openly.
For the men , sex is divorced from relationships and feelings.All their actions point to one direction . How soon will he get to sleep with her? Some men need sex to sustain the relationship or they will drift away. Some women would offer sex in exchange for their love and attentions . Those men often may have a variety of partners or they love to screw around with others. Why would they think of commitment to marriage when they can enjoy now?
In the past, a man needs to marry in order to have sex. Premarital sex was a sin . Today , many women are engaged in premarital and extra marital sex. Sex is easily available and the men have no inclinations to get married and shoulder the responsibilities of a married life. They can have the cake and eat it.
In the end , she sells herself short and they are separated because she is not satisfied by the non commitment of those men.The men are drinking free milk without having to pay for it.
She wants sex to be a part of the relationship but he wants sex just for the enjoyment alone without those accompaniments like affections ,cuddling, caring and verbal intimacies.
She cannot comprehends the man's sexual drives and why they do not need the same thing as women do in order to enjoy a sexual relationship.
Reference and thanks to :-,M1
Friday, June 5, 2009
Women leaving men for other women ?
A lot of women may not have those feelings nor want to talk about it.It could be due to their social and religious upbringings and the desires being suppressed or branded as sinful and against the order of nature.
In recent times, we have read about those famous female stars who openly flaunt their associations with their same sex .This new culture could be gaining popularity as those stars are the vanguard of this movement and their followers would probably ape them.What they are doing would give them their approvals and legitimacy about this kind of relationships.
Sex and the City's Cynthia Nixon left a boyfriend after a decade and a half and started dating a woman and openly talking about it.Actress Lindsay Lohan and DJ Samantha Ronson were photographed together often and did not deny the news reports about their relationship.
This alternative relationships is on the rise and gaining acceptance. There are at present five states in the USA which have legalize the same sex marriage concept and more states may follow soon. Other states do recognize such a marriage even though they have not legalize it.
The taboo is lifted and the door is now open for more women to seek their own kind.This new sexual orientation is coming out of the closet.After being with men for a long time , some of these women find women are more appealing and understanding .They seek an emotional relationship and the other women is more able to fulfill that role.
Are you a gay ?
That is not an easy question to answer. It may take years before you really can come to understand about your sexuality and when you discover the truth it will change your world.
When you finally know who you are and insisted on living to your new ways, you will find the peace and freedom in your heart but it will hurt your children and husband.
It is they who must adept to your new personality and not the other way round.
Reference and thanks to :-
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Awakening your sexuality
This is a great book by Stephanie S. Covington ,written specifically for women to understand who they are , their capabilities and the mysteries of life as seen from a woman's perspective.
The book validates and reaffirms the truth about women and challenges your beliefs and open up an entirely new level of understanding.
Awakening your sexuality is the process of becoming more aware of your potentials,your emotional needs ,your body's feelings,the truth and the lies about men,sex and experiencing the fullness of life.
In certain traditional and religious society, sex is only for procreation and not for pleasure. Many women raised on fundamental faiths, feel shame and guilt about their sex lives. There are many don't do this and that.Don't touch yourself down there. Don't have sex before marriage.Don't fall in love with own sex.
You can choose to begin now or muddle along in life with all those half truths or lies perpetuated by the patriarchal society where women are nothing more than a whore ,baby making factory or belongs in the kitchen.
How well do you know your own sexual self ?
We are supposed to be competent and to like it but we are supposed not to know anything about it .All those physical and emotional messages get mixed up and those conflicting signals are confusing us.We don't know if we are doing the right or wrong thing.
We all grow up with our own limited beliefs and assumptions about our bodies, sex, erotic urges and sexual capacity for pleasure.The sex education in school is inadequate and the knowledge we pick up from our parents , friends, internet and the gutter may give us a wrong picture. We sometimes feel guilty or ashamed of our gutter knowledge and remain in ignorant bliss.
This has resulted in holding us back from enjoying life to the fullest and exploring our sensuality .We should embrace the new openness about sex and awaken the child in us and let it mature into an adult.
Reference and thanks to :-,M1
Designer Vagina craze !
First it was the 'Boob craze' and now they are going for the 'Vagina craze.'There have been reports in the USA, UK and other developed countries of the fast growing popularity of this plastic cosmetic surgery and it is growing exponentially.
Many clinics are offering these vaginal cosmetic surgery, vaginal rejuvenation, revirgination,labiaplasty, designer vaginoplasty and G-spot amplification'.
Some doctors have voiced concerns about this expensive, dangerous and unwarranted operation and such surgery exploit vulnerable women and their insecurities. There is a risk of potential complications such as scarring, permanent disfigurement, infection, dyspareunia and altered sexual sensations .
There is a large number of variations in the appearance of the normal female genitalia.Some women have the operation for functional or aesthetic reasons or a combination of the two. Some women with elongated labia may find pain and discomfort while performing exercises, sitting for long periods or having sex.
Some models, dancers, and actors feel embarrassment when wearing swimsuits and other revealing clothing, because their labia are visible through form-fitting clothing, or because their labia slip out of skimpy garment all together.
The widespread use of porn and those porn girls with shortened labium came to regard as the ideal shape.The fashion is being driven by commercial and media pressures that exploit woman's insecurities.
Women can now change any part of their vagina and create a designer version , shortening or changing the shape of the outer lips, or labia, reduction in the hood of skin covering the clitoris or shortening the vagina itself.
It is not without risk and you need to think deeply whether it is worth it or not .Plastic surgery to the labia carries risks, for this zone carries nerve fibers that are highly sensitive and are a key pathway of sexual arousal.
Reference and thanks to :-
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Men are incorrigible liars ....because of women ?
Men are incorrigible liars and they will lie to win favours with the women.The men need their approvals unless they want to die as a lonely old man.
When they want to get into her pants, they will tell lies to make them appear smart or important.They will flatter her with lots of insincere compliments and praises.
They will claim that they are single when they are married.They will promise to call after an exciting date but will not. They will promise anything in order to win her approvals. This is a mating game to them.
There are many unscrupulous married men on the prowl looking for some adventures with those single, innocent and trusting females. The females are a gullible lot and believe most of those things men tell them.
Why do they lie?
They are programmed by the social customs and upbringings. To get the woman's approvals, they will have to repackage themselves to appeal to those women.They want to show that they are the best among the herd and that she should select him. An inexperienced woman would not be able to discern the masquerade and would fall for him.
Men have to lie because of woman's fault .It is totally unfair to blame the men alone because women are partly responsible for their actions. For every action , there is a reaction.Women play mind games and put those men to 'test' to weed out those impostors. The men will lie and cheat with intent to get past those barriers.
Sometimes, we cannot tell the truth and have to tell a white lie.There are occasions when it is better to tell a lie than the truth. Everyday , you need to practice good social skills by not telling the truth always as it can hurt your friends or love ones .
It may also jeopardize your friendship or promotion prospects.I rather be called a liar than to lose a very good friend. Women don't admit to telling lies but only spreading half truths. They seek honesty in men but they have a different standards for themselves.
How can you tell if he is lying ?
The eye is the window to his soul. By looking at his eyes, you can sense if he is telling the truth or not. His body may deceive you but it is difficult for the eye to lie. Another way is by his gestures and mannerisms. Be observant and you will know when he lies.
Reference and thanks to :-
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Turn off the TV and Turn On Your Sex Lives
If you start watching T.V, you will get addicted to it everyday when your favourite programs come on.Many people are addicted to football or watching those serial dramas from Korea ,Hong Kong and other countries.
T.V is indispensable to many people and if you cannot watch T.V you will have those withdrawal symptoms like a drug addict. When the T.V is on , sex is put on hold.
There is only so much time left in a day after work and when T.V takes up a big proportion of your time , there is no more time left for sex.
When you are a typical middle age couple with a few kids in tow,life can become boring with repetitious tasks and there is no lack of enthusiasm anymore.Those daily chores would bury your sexual drive.
Those sexual therapist are advocating couples to 'Just do it!' If you Google this word , you would be absolutely shocked that there are 973 million results on that phrase alone and still increasing !
When you marry, your body does not belong to you anymore. Your husband has a right over them , just as you have a right over his body.
This is what marriage means. If your husband wants to have sex, even though you are not in the mood for it , you need to 'Just do it',for his sake and enjoyment. Husbands should not reject their wives when they need it too.
Most women cannot have sex when they do not feel the love.Women are programmed that way and some would use their sex as a weapon and reward or punish the men. They do not enjoy sex if love is absence.
The men should learn to love her according to her love language . Help her workload,be on her good side, pay attention to her needs and give plenty of praises.
Women expects love from men but those men simply cannot love when they do not have sex.Some men may make a show of their love for their women but those feelings are only external or superficial.
It is not real and does not come from the heart.Only when they are satisfied with the sex , do they feel the great warmth and loving feelings for their mates. After the sex, he will feel the waves of loving feeling for his mate.
Those waves may not last long and for some it could just be a few minutes and then they are back to their typical selves. That is why they need to have plenty of sex in order to keep those loving waves flowing out of their systems like the Yellowstone geyser. LOL!
Reference and thanks to :-
The menace of Ah Long's or loan sharks.
Loan sharking is very big business . Those syndicates can be very rich , powerful and well connected to the political system.
They can make big money and it is one of the fastest way to become super rich.It is an illegal business but which is hard to wipe out . Just like prostitution, drugs,guns, smuggling's and illegal casino's, they are the major earning arms of those triads or underworld gangs.
It is not without risks as borrowers can abscond without paying their loans or they can get killed from hired killers .There are some loan sharks which has been killed because of their activities or from other competitors.
Recent news about debtors being illegally detained ,chained, tortured and sometimes killed shows an escalating trend of those Ah long's tactics in recovering those money from those borrowers.
Before , it was just those threats of breaking an arm or a leg .Splashing of red paints on their properties are common. Some of them even harassed the neighbours or their relatives .Women and children can be victims as they have no choice to force those debtors to pay up .
You could report to the police but the police cannot protect you 24/7 . Alternatively , you could seek MCA's Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong if you live in Malaysia. He could try to meditate for a solution and solve your problem.
Some have no choice but to run and hide from those Ah Long's or work far far away in another state and never come back.
Reference and thanks to :-
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Evangelism or harassment ?
It is the duty of every Christian to evangelize God's word but not everyone is gifted with that gift. Evangelize doe not mean that you must stand on the street corners or in the mall and hand out religious pamphlets or Bibles .
You can evangelize by living the right way and be like a beacon in the sea of darkness.If your life is not much difference from those non Christians,your religion will be in vain.
If you don't have that gift, you may instead turn off people from your religion.Distributing Bibles and religious materials and inviting the non Christians to churches or cell groups are some of the ways to evangelize.
To hang outside schools and in public places and talking to those students or people about God is not the way to do it. It can be considered harassment and many people do not like to be accosted and be forced to listen to some religious nut.
They are like those pesky salesperson who is trying to sell you some useless gadgets. The more forceful you become , the more they will withdraw from you. Even good friends may avoid you .
Even as a Christian, I do not agree with this way of evangelizing. You will accomplish nothing but only contempt and dislike for your religion. There is a proper place and time to spread the word of God.
Going from door to door and talking about your religion can turn many people off . You may share your experience about what God has done in your life but not many people will believe you .
People are not interested in your religion when what you give them are only words and not deeds.Those who quote Bible scriptures are the worst kind. They want to show others that they are right, superior and holy than thou, while others are wrong.They pick and chose those scriptures they like and keep quiet about the other scriptures which showed their wrongs.
If you help them ,understand their problems and be there for them , they will listen to you .If a man is hungry , you do not tell him that God love him and the goodness of God, bless him and and then leave him to his own problems.
Will that poor hungry man accept your empty talk ? What good are empty words which cannot fill his empty stomach.What he needs is bread or food .Therefore , the man who gives him food gives it out of the love for God. You who gives him only words, do it out of your hypercritical love for God.
If you are of God, you will try to live the way God wants you to. You would be the living example of what your religion teaches.
You may put up posters or flyers or advertise in the newspapers about your activities in church and let them decide if they want to come or not.Those who want to seek more about God will come .
Whether a person is ready to accept God or not, only God Knows. Someone will plant a seed, others will water it and it is God who will decide when to harvest it.
To know God is to have love for others. Love thy neighbour as your self. Don't bang the Bible on their heads or forced them down their throats.
Reference and thanks to :-,4136,203337,00.html?
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
A happy woman is like a ripe plum.
Are there any happy women out there? Even if she feels happy , it will be only for a very short while.
Woman's wants and needs are insatiable .They are insecure about their appearances, their careers,their future or anything you can think off. They continuously sow doubts about their abilities,performances and self worth.
They want to accomplish many things and discover that they cannot be everywhere . They want to be the perfect wife, mother and career women and be a good and naughty nymph at bedtime .
They found that they do not have the time , energy and space to do all those chores .As a result many are disappointed , unhappy, tired and stressed out. They took on more than they can chew.
Life is about living and is like a long train journey on Earth which never ends. There are many interesting new places to see and new things to do each day.
We cannot jump at warp speed from one destination to another . A long journey will take time and to really enjoy the journey , one must saviour every moment of it . Life will go on at it's own pace .
Why the rush to reach the end of the destinations?
Reference and thanks to :-
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The cucumber and brinjal fetish.
A woman recently reported her husband to the police in Malaysia for abusing her sexually with a cucumber and a brinjal (egg plant) for the past six years.The man used those vegetables to satisfy his wife as he had ED after an accident. It was his wife's idea to use those vegetables.
You can imagine the length and size of those vegetables!Oh! My goodness! Either you are crazy using them as a substitute or you have a very loose vagina.Women would rather go for those dildos, vibrators or a vibrating dildo.
Perhaps they are not available at her place or they prefer the cheaper alternative which can be used to satisfy her sexually as well as fill their stomach. ( Gross!)
Why only come out to report him after six years?
What was her rational in reporting him to the police ?
I would have thought that the case would be close since it is an open and shut case. Apparently, there is more than we thought.There is now a new twist to this saga.
She had a hidden motive and after the police investigated her, it was found that the man did not consent to her divorce . She probably threatened him and when he did not respond, she reported the case to the authorities.She wanted to be with her new boyfriend.
When she heard that the police were investigating her instead of her husband , she wanted to withdraw her police report.She thought she could use the police to arm twist her husband to grant her a divorce. Now, she could probably be facing a charge for making a false police report and may go to jail.
Some women can be obnoxious and contemptible and when they don't get their way , she will unleash her evil forces. She will willingly sleep with you and when you don't do as she wants, she would cry 'rape!'Some men have been send to jail on those false rape charges.
There was another case of the cucumber and brinjal murder case of the 9 year's old girl, Nurin in 2007, who was abducted and brutally killed. They left her sexually ravaged body in a sports bag outside a shop lot. They found cucumber and brinjal inside her vagina and anus. She could be the target of those paedophiles. The killer is still free .
Don't leave your children alone or allow them to go out alone. Disaster can strike any moment.Better to be safe than sorry !
Reference and thanks to :-
Monday, May 25, 2009
Are you falling out of love ?
When you are just married, everything is so sweet and fragrant.It is the beginning of a new journey of hope ,great expectations and promises . You want to go out there to conquer the world , climb the highest mountain and live life to the fullest with your soul mate.
The real world is different from our imaginary world . It can be very cold , cruel and harsh and the attrictions of life can tear and wear one down. You will find that your love for him/her is not the same anymore .
Circumstance have changed and molded your new perceptions of life and your partner. Now, you see with a more matured, experience and cynical outlook.
The one whom you idolized and worshiped the ground s/he walks on does not glitter and shine anymore but appear jaded and faded.
Do you want to walk away or perform CPR, the kiss of life to revive the marriage?
Some marriages are in the ICU and fate will decide the outcome. It is difficult to rekindle or spark the fire again when it has been extinguished for a very long time.
If one is the air- conditioning and the other a deep freezer , blowing at each other,then the wall of ice that separates the two of you will grow thicker and stronger and your home will be in a perpetual winter.
If you want to save your marriage and to rekindle the love again, you will need to start a fire to thaw out that icy wall from your home. You need to care about each other more,to nurture your relationship and to love him/her again unconditionally.
To see him again through another's eye. To focus on his strength and positives. No one is perfect and do not have too high expectations of others.
Either one of you will have to change for the better to save the marriage. You cannot change others but only yourself.
If after all you have done and tried your very best and the patient cannot revive, then you will have to accept your fate and let him/her go.
If there is no more love and happiness and your union is broken down beyond repair, it is better to release each other and seek each others destiny.
Marriage is no bed of roses and you have to work at it.Marriage is a journey of a lifetime until death separates us. You need to look out for each other , help each other to fulfill their aspirations and to carry each other's burdens.
If you want love, you need to give love first. Sow more love and you will reap more love.
Related topic
If you want to win a girl's heart...
If you want to win a girl's heart, you do not have to shower her with expensive gifts, flowers or fold 100 or 1000 paper cranes or stars . If she is fond of you and is attracted to you , she does not expect any presents from you. You may give her some meaningful token gifts which is not expensive in nature .
What she likes about you is the intangible gifts that you have. Your confidence, manners, attentions, charms and the ability to make her feel good about herself.
You do not have to impress her with any expensive presents.Sending expensive gifts is a waste of money and it does not serve the purpose. If she is not into you , she is simply not into you.She is not your type of girl .Better to give it up early than to waste your time , money and efforts.
Sending her expensive gifts can show that you are trying too hard to catch her eye.
She may even be suspicious of you and your intentions. If she is not interested in you , she does not want to have anything to do with you except as platonic friends only.She may also perceived your gifts as a bribe to change her mind about you .
There are some men who think that they can sway the girls by being generous and lavishing all kinds of gifts to them.If they are good girls and have no interest in him , they will return his gifts but if they are bad ones, they will just gobbled them up and expect for more.
Today's young girls wanna have fun. They will be on a look out for those 'suai-yee's '(Cantonese term for terrapins or dumb guys)
If she accepts your gift but does not respond in kind, then you know you are up against a gold digger. You become her cabbage .She will chop a big chunk out of you if you are not wise enough to recognize her kind. When you cannot feed their habits, they will dump you and look for another.
It is only when you have won her heart and assured of her love for you , you can then invest heavily in her .It shows how much you love her and value her, for actions speak louder than words.
Related topic :-
Saturday, May 23, 2009
When is the right time to sleep with a woman?
When she is willing , she is hot and she is asking for it.
For that to happen, you will need to woo her , shower her with your love, affections and attentions and be at the right place and at the right time.
When she loves you more than you love her,it will be like a breeze. She will open all her doors for you to walk into her parlour.The only obstacle is yourself. Do you want to take her as your lifelong partner or will you just wanna have fun with her ?
Beware that she has her own plans and aspirations about you too.She may set a trap for you and you will be caught and then domesticated..LOL!
When do you want sex with her depends on your strong or weak religious beliefs, your moral upbringings and your personal beliefs. She may have her own sets of rules too.
If she is on the same wave length as you , then things will move faster and you will know where you stand with regards to each other. You do not have to grope in the dark about her position.
Not all things are black and white and the situations can change if you can convince her with your loves, affections and commitments.Your goal post and hers can shift in the course of your relationships.
Today's modern females are a liberated and emancipated lot and think of sex as a fun and enjoyable experience.Those living in big metropolitan cities are more liberal and open minded about sex. As long as they practice safe sex , everything goes.
They have no strings attached sex, one night stands and just meet up with some interesting guys to have a good f*ck and nothing more. They enjoy each other until somebody more interesting comes into their life.
For the normal and average couple who is in love with each other, it is better to wait until you are very sure of the love and commitment towards each other.They need to take their relationship to a higher level.When you have reached that level, your minds should think alike.It can be uncanny to see and think alike. Maybe , it is your spirit and her spirit in tune and communicating with each other.
When you are at the planning stage to get married or engaged to each other, she would feel more secure and may not have any objections to sleeping together.
There should not be any pressures on her. It should come naturally and usually when one is intoxicated with alcohol. Alcohol can loosen the inhibitions .When she is ready , she may give you hints but men being obtuse will not get to feel it and hence she will have to lead him softly down the path to the garden of Eden. She feels she has blossomed into a beautiful flower and is ripe to let him smell the sweet scents and enjoy the fragrance.
You simply cannot verbalize it between the two of you. Sex is like watching a silent movie. You have to read her body signals and to test each other if she is ready for it or not or whether you have both reached that point of no return...LOL!
Reference and thanks to ;-
You want to jump off the bridge, let me give you a hand..!
A would be suicide jumper on a high bridge in Guangzhou city,China was pushed off the bridge by a man because he could not stand such a selfish person.
There were too many recent cases and he was very upset with such people who caused all those huge traffic jams and miseries to people like him.
Each time someone threatened to jump , it would cause huge traffic jams on the bridge and the police, ambulance and 911's will be on hand to prevent it.
He broke through the snarled traffic jams on the bridge and through the police cordon to shake hands with him and then kicked his ass off the bridge.It was totally unexpected.
The would be suicide fella did not suspect his intentions and luckily he was saved and only hurt his back.
In hard times like the present situation , many people are forced into debts and they could not take it and wanted to commit suicide.
The rich are more prone to suicide as some have lost everything and they could not face the reality of living a poor life.
In Malaysia, many motorist are busy bodies. Whenever there is an accident , those motorist would slow down and look at the accident and cause long traffic jams.
Some of them even park their cars nearby to go and find out in more details about the accident. Some would get those car numbers and bet on those numbers.
On the Penang Bridge, the bridge authorities have fenced up the middle portion so that motorist cannot see the other side of the road or view the scenery.
This bridge has seen some suicide jumpers . There were a few successful one's and a few lived to tell the tale. Even the loan sharks threatened to throw off those bad debtors on this bridge.
If you see a a car or a motor bike parked there or see some shoes by the side, it is most probably some one who does not want to live anymore.
When they jumped off the bridge, they could be hitting 180mph all the way down and the impact may knock the wind out of them and being unconscious will drown. The current will then sweep them out to sea or to the nearby mudflats.
Pictorial views from here,
Reference and thanks to :-
Friday, May 22, 2009
Is having sex too early , good or bad ?
Today , you will find that the teens are engaging in sex at a very early age. The younger generations may not see eye to eye with the older generations about sex.
Perceptions have changed and more and more are doing it without any conscience about the morality or impropriety because it has become the norm in the new millennium.
People who start having sex at a younger age appear to be at greater risk of developing sexual health problems later in life.
For the men , it could be erectile dysfunction, difficulty in maintaining an erection or orgasm.
On the average, most teens have sex at around 15 to 18 .Those who had sex at 14 and below were early starters.
Those who started relatively young would have many sexual partners and run the risk of those sexually transmitted diseases (STD)
The computer age, sexual exploitations of those media and the widespread availability of porn in the internet and DVD's are the major causes in the sexual adventurism of the young.
After getting together for a few days or some on their first date,they are doing it on a regular basis without any thoughts about their future.They are too young and immature to grasp the meaning of life and cannot even support themselves financially and must still depend on their parents help.
It is only a matter of time when they get pregnant or acquired STD's and then their world will fall apart. Will they decide to keep the baby or to abort. Such a big decision can be catastrophic to the child and to the parents.
Having the baby can keep the mother off from school or delay her educational process. Choosing abortion would end a young and innocent life.Abortions can have deep psychological and mental effects to her future well being. They are caught between the rock and the deep blue sea.
Their bodies may have matured physically but mentally , they are still kids and are not aware of the consequences from a mental , emotional and psychological perspective.
Generally, most of them do not know much about STD's or conception. They may learn some from the internet or from the gutters about sex.
They learn the hard way, when they get pregnant or have those STD"s. They do not practice safe sex or are unaware of how to protect themselves from those STD's or pregnancy.
Sex may have different connotations to different people. To me , sex is the height of one's love and affections towards each other . There is the emotional and mental relationship which brings two people closer together , a deep commitment like a marriage .Today , the term 'casual sex' is very common. There are f*ck buddies or friends with benefits (FWB)
If a relationship is not on a strong footing, sex may alter the equations. Sex can destroy a great friendship because you would view your friend in another light. You cannot be mere friends or a platonic friend anymore.
It is definitely bad if they are too young to understand the real meaning why people have sex , it's purpose and the responsibilities it entails.
"If we are only friends, why do you kiss me.....?"
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Beautiful women are more likely to be unfaithful...
There is an old wise saying," Never marry a very rich man or a very beautiful woman, for they will be unfaithful." If you do not listen to those wise words, you will one day regret it.
Generally , that is true and I believed in that saying. Rich men and beautiful women are more tempted to stray because of those attributes.
Beautiful women cheat because they have the cheating hormones,oestradiol, a form of oestrogen.. LOL! These hormones would make her drop dead gorgeous !She would be the envy of many women and the object of admirations of many men.
There is another wise sayings, "The most beautiful woman is also the most toxic!"
They will not be satisfied with the current partner and will always be on the look out for a better partner. They think they are so desirable and will want to snare the best mate .
Beautiful women have very high standards and great expectations and they are not easily pleased or satisfied.Men should not look out for very beautiful women unless they are very rich and can afford their high maintenance.
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Monday, January 12, 2009
Mouthwash linked to cancer ???
Mouthwash which contains alcohol can cause oral cancer !!!!! That is the shocking news from down under.
Many people use mouthwash regularly and it is time to take note that they run a higher risk of getting oral cancer from using it.
Whether you believed it or not is your choice. The alcohol in the mouthwash is turned into acetaldehyde.It is a toxic by product of alcohol and is believed to be carcinogenic.
You can get oral cancer from oral sex too but it will not stop people from having oral sex nor from smoking or drinking.
As technology improves, we will find many substances that we are using or consuming containing toxic substances . We should go back to nature and only use those natural home remedies .
For further readings :-,22049,24896583-5001021,00.html
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Smoking can gives your pets cancer.
If smoking can gives your pets cancer , what then about your smoking in front of your children and wife ? If you value your pets , then you should value your children and wife more. Don't give your kids and wife cancer!
Smoking is not only bad for your health but also to those people and pets around you. Passive smokes or second hand smokes are more deadly than what you inhaled from a cigarette.
If you want to smoke , you should smoke outside the house and not inside the house because your smoke may make your family or your pets having a higher risk of getting cancer.
It is better to give up smoking and live a more healthy life. Don't smoke till you find a black lump in your lungs and that would be too late to give up smoking.
Smokers will always be smokers and no matter who and what is said.They will keep puffing away even when they know it is bad for their health.
These days a lot of women smoke and it looks cool .The cigarette companies are targeting the women smokers with cool adverts. You may look cool but when you get cancer, you wont be looking cool anymore.
Why do people smoke?
I have tried smoking before but I don't get any 'kick' about smoking. I am not addicted to smoking . In my life I have tried a few times but gave up.
After each meal, you take a Hacks sweet or Polar mint sweet and then smoke a cigarette .This give you a fresh breathe , you can feel the invigorating inside your lungs.
There are many reasons why people smoke.
Some people smoke because they can get a calming effects on them.When I smoke, I don't feel anything.That's why I gave up.
Another reason is they think it is more matured and manly holding a cigarette and the action of smoking makes them feel that they have reached the stage of adulthood. They are there ….
The Marlborough cigarette advertisement during the 70’s was a cool feature and many liked the message, to smoke is being like a real ‘He- man .’ Unfortunately , that cowboy in that advert has died from cancer…..
They get to see all those movies with their heroes smoking and a cigarette on their lips. They feel more important or looked more important.They think people will notice them when they smoke.
The third reason is they want to be the 'in thing'. Not to smoke looks like out of place and not in the same gang or group.
The fourth reason is because they are frustrated in life due to some problems which they cannot overcome and hence smoke to get that glassy looks in their eyes and don't care attitude.It is like they are taking out their problems in the smoking .
Many woman are now smoking and they think smoking or holding a pack of cigarette in their hands looks cool.
The tobacco companies are targeting women smokers as this group is large and a lot of money is spent on advertisements to appeal to those women.
Smoking is bad for your health and second hand smoke is even worse.U should not smoke at home or when your wife or kids or pets are around.
Some can kick the habit early while others are addicted and never give up till they find a black spot in their lungs and it's too late ..
credit and thanks to,22049,22385741-5006007,00.html
Effects of smoking on women .
under comments No 17 post.
Reducing Secondhand Smoke Would Slash Heart Disease Rates, Study Says,2933,194876,00.html?
Female smokers ‘risk spotty face’
Why smokers’ skin ‘ages’ faster
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Will you marry a househusband ?
It can be repugnant to some but others may not have the luxury to choose. It is either that or remain single for all their life.
Women have been conditioned in their upbringings to look for a stronger all round partner . Either the men were higher than them or equal on the same footings.Anything less would be unsatisfactory.
When you mentioned a househusband , you would imagine a man donning an apron and doing the housework or taking up a woman's role in the house.A role reversal scenario.
Now that women are fully in the work force and some women maybe earning more than the men,the question begets most minds is whether a man can be adept at house chores and baby care givings as well as a woman.
This preposition was unthinkable several years ago.Women have made much stride into the man’s world and the man’s world are reeling under the onslaught of this female power.
There may come a day in the not too distant future that women would hold all the executive and top post and men would just be delegated to the heavy menial tasked or made redundant or irrelevant.I shudder ,for such reality is not impossible.
Would you marry a woman who would one day after you have kids ,asked you to quit your lower paying job immediately and she would take care and provide everything for you .Would you as a man agree to this preposition?
I think no sane thinking man would want to quit his job and depend fully on the woman for every of his needs .There could be exceptions, maybe they are disabled or mentally handicapped.
In the older generations , it was a shame to be a ˜consort' to the woman.The man will have no face or honour.In the present era, it is no more a shame but such marriages can faced tremendous pressures both inside and outside.It challenges the norms and concepts of a family hierarchy in today’s world.
There comes a time when the marriage comes to a watershed, when they have babies and when one has to quit their job to looked after the baby and home.Who will have to quit?
Usually it is the woman who has a lower paying job than the man. She is the natural choice. However, the tables have changed and it is the men who may have to quit to maintain their same standards of living.
There are situations when the woman earns more than him and he may have to be sacrificed.This will also depends if the man have the aptitude or whether he can do a woman's job. If he cannot , then he will make a mess out of it .Not all man are equal to the job.Some are just not fit for the job.
Some women are dominant partners and want a man but they want their men to be under their controls.These men are passive and goes along with their wives. Most probably these men comes from a dominant mother family and so they don't mind .
In a marriage , either one could be dominant . If you are a man , it would be better you become the dominant partner than to be dominated.
A woman looks up to a strong man.She would want to marry a man who is stronger than her .She is conditioned in that way.I hoped the world,one day in the future, would not come to the situations like those of the Amazon women warriors who ruled over men..
Whether you liked it or not, women has come to the world’s stage and they are flexing their muscles and new found freedom which their sisters in the last generations were denied.
Women and men are equals in the new age.
In the Victorian era and in the present, there are some societies which suppresses woman's right to equal opportunities in every field.They treat women as nothing more than a baby making factory or to serve the men and their needs.
Women are not allowed to work in certain fields because it is considered dangerous or inappropriate for them.
It is not that women are lacking in intelligence but men are afraid that they would be irrelevant if they let women compete on the same foothold.
Why do many people still believed that men and women are not equal?
Not equal in what sense?
Women may not have the physical strength of a man but if she is given the right trainings, her strength can increase like a man.
Most government are run by the men and they perpetuate the system where the women are not given the liberty and the opportunities that are enjoyed by the men.
Women have been stereotype to be the weaker sex and second class citizens by men and perpetuated through the ages.
There is a difference between men and women and it is only biological differences.Period.
Woman are made unequal by men because of social, economic and political factors. If you allow women the same opportunities for women to developed their skills and knowledge like in the US, in education, they excelled much better than man.
This shows that women are also intelligent and have brains which sometimes is better developed than males. It has been scientifically proven that woman's brains are bigger and more developed.
Men are constantly threatened by the ever presence of women in fields that was once a domain of men .Women are no more restricted to be just making babies or just cooks in the kitchen.
Women can do multitasking while men can only do single task at a time.
In the educational fields , women scores highly in exams and in the universities, women make up almost 60% of the enrollments in Malaysia.It is the brains that matters.If you have the intelligence , you are able to think and do many things.Men and women are equal in this field.
Men maybe stronger because of their biological make up. Women can also be strong if they wanted too.Look at those muscle women who have bodies like the Terminator.Woman prefers to be more feminine or this was the mould ,men would want their women to be in.
Women also live longer than men .Does it not tell you that woman's body are stronger and more lasting than man's body,even though they have to give birth which men cannot.
Who is the fragile sex? It is the Men. Don't be surprised.!
Witness some large countries like the Philippines and once Indonesia which was run by a woman President. It is because a woman can do a better job than them.
One day the US will also have a woman president in the not so soon future.
In the US, women have become fighter pilots ,astronauts and goes into combats in Iraq. Can you still say that there is inequality and that women are unequal to men?
There are certain spheres where men and women excelled in.They are well balanced and complement each other and women are equal and sometimes more equal than men.
Even in your house, your wife maybe better than you in certain spheres. She can do much better than you in areas like cooking ,house maintaining,taking care of children,.
Man want’s to subjugate , controlled and ruled woman as their slaves .
Some society treat women just like a baby making machine and nothing else. What a depraved society and a great loss to the nation.
Men and women may be different from the physical aspects but they are equal and they complement each other .To deny women their rights is gross violations of humanity.It is an oppression of women and the perpetuation of the male’s superiority myth in a patriarchal society.
God made men and women equal and to use scriptures to put down women is fundamentally incorrect. Scriptures were appropriate for that culture at that time and at that particular church and not prescriptive for all time.
Galatains 3:27-29:
“for all or you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”
Suggested readings ;-
Winter in the home.
We all know what winter is, it is very cold and icy and you may need to wear several layers of warm clothing's and thermal under wears. Luckily I live in the tropics where it is summer all the year round.
If you are just married, then it is bright summer.Winter comes when you both morphed ,one into a fridge and the other the air-con. Both blowing strong and cold winds at each other.Could be a perfect storm in the making or a blinding blizzard or an avalanche.
Conflicts in marriages are bound to happen as you do not see eye to eye with your spouse.He has his perspective and it is different from yours,and when both don't give way,something got to break.
Your love for each other went out through the windows or through the chimney, burnt and smokey. Love died and you begin to see each others imperfections.
You love each other and want the other to be happy but the devil seems to block your good intentions and what comes out is devil woman at war with Frankenstein man. You cannot talk his language and neither does he understands your language.
It becomes like a cat and a dog fight.No one want to give way.Going for broke.You scratch him viciously and he barks and may bite you back .Perhaps his bark is worse than his bite.
If it is a long winter, one or both of you will go hibernate like the bears for six months..Do not worry, winter will soon be over.. Just wait for the summer to come again ,it will..
One of you will change your attitudes and warms the icy snows that has formed a thick wall between you two.
Both of you will be tired and had enough of each other.There is a time for everything. A time to sow and a time to reap.The suffering takes it's toll and the fire is doused.
The cycle of love and hate will turn again when you reach the bottom , the nadir of despair or the mother of all despairs in your relationship. You will realize your follies and mistakes and try to make up or agree with your other partners viewpoints. Then you will have more positive thoughts than negative thoughts and you will learn your spouse’s love language and rub his back and warm his heart.
Winter will soon be over when the sun comes up again..
If you have winter now in your home, don't despair , just ride out the storm , don't leave but burrow deeper into your home ..Chinese (Cantonese) say "Teng ngan siong or chang lok hei!"
About Me

- Suzie1318 a.k.a Laura1318
- The road to eternity is never ending and as we travel on this journey through Earth, we should enjoy each day as it comes .It is not about who you are but what you can do to enrich others life. "To know God is love" blog was created on 29th. June 2009
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- Girl Who Doesn't Age..
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- Russian woman is a serial man rapist !
- A smile makes a woman more attractive than wearing...
- Girl from convent school embarks into sleazy life...
- Moving in with a man makes a woman fat
- Do girls prefer circumsized or uncircumsized men?
- I can’t help who I fall in love with.”
- Women are perplexed why men act the way they do ?
- Women leaving men for other women ?
- Awakening your sexuality
- Designer Vagina craze !
- Men are incorrigible liars ....because of women ?
- Turn off the TV and Turn On Your Sex Lives
- The menace of Ah Long's or loan sharks.
- Evangelism or harassment ?
- A happy woman is like a ripe plum.
- The cucumber and brinjal fetish.
- Are you falling out of love ?
- If you want to win a girl's heart...
- When is the right time to sleep with a woman?
- You want to jump off the bridge, let me give you a...
- Is having sex too early , good or bad ?