Sunday, July 5, 2009

Students rampage and terrorize teacher at his home

10 secondary school students went on a rampage at their teacher's house , terrorized the teacher and damaged two cars. The group of Form Three students wanted to exact revenge because a classmate was caned by the teacher earlier in the day.

Those students went to the teacher's house and challenged the teacher to come out.What were their intentions? Were they there to warn the teacher or to challenge the teacher to a fight or give him back the same medicine?

Their behaviour was unruly or they were known bad boys in the school and the teacher did not come out to meet them. When they were ignored, they began to issue threats and climbed over the wall into the porch and damaged the two cars with stones .

It is a sad event and showed the failure of the system to imposed discipline on those wayward students. Being a disciplinary teacher can be a dangerous vocation judging by this latest actions .Teacher's car being splashed with paint or acid and scratched is quite common.

I hope the authorities would take the appropriate actions to prevent and deter such incidents. Canning may not be appropriate in the present times.Counseling and finally expulsion or suspension would be more effective if the student have a disciplinary record

Reference and thanks to :-

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The road to eternity is never ending and as we travel on this journey through Earth, we should enjoy each day as it comes .It is not about who you are but what you can do to enrich others life. "To know God is love" blog was created on 29th. June 2009

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