In the Victorian era and in the present, there are some societies which suppresses woman's right to equal opportunities in every field.They treat women as nothing more than a baby making factory or to serve the men and their needs.
Women are not allowed to work in certain fields because it is considered dangerous or inappropriate for them.
It is not that women are lacking in intelligence but men are afraid that they would be irrelevant if they let women compete on the same foothold.
Why do many people still believed that men and women are not equal?
Not equal in what sense?
Women may not have the physical strength of a man but if she is given the right trainings, her strength can increase like a man.
Most government are run by the men and they perpetuate the system where the women are not given the liberty and the opportunities that are enjoyed by the men.
Women have been stereotype to be the weaker sex and second class citizens by men and perpetuated through the ages.
There is a difference between men and women and it is only biological differences.Period.
Woman are made unequal by men because of social, economic and political factors. If you allow women the same opportunities for women to developed their skills and knowledge like in the US, in education, they excelled much better than man.
This shows that women are also intelligent and have brains which sometimes is better developed than males. It has been scientifically proven that woman's brains are bigger and more developed.
Men are constantly threatened by the ever presence of women in fields that was once a domain of men .Women are no more restricted to be just making babies or just cooks in the kitchen.
Women can do multitasking while men can only do single task at a time.
In the educational fields , women scores highly in exams and in the universities, women make up almost 60% of the enrollments in Malaysia.It is the brains that matters.If you have the intelligence , you are able to think and do many things.Men and women are equal in this field.
Men maybe stronger because of their biological make up. Women can also be strong if they wanted too.Look at those muscle women who have bodies like the Terminator.Woman prefers to be more feminine or this was the mould ,men would want their women to be in.
Women also live longer than men .Does it not tell you that woman's body are stronger and more lasting than man's body,even though they have to give birth which men cannot.
Who is the fragile sex? It is the Men. Don't be surprised.!
Witness some large countries like the Philippines and once Indonesia which was run by a woman President. It is because a woman can do a better job than them.
One day the US will also have a woman president in the not so soon future.
In the US, women have become fighter pilots ,astronauts and goes into combats in Iraq. Can you still say that there is inequality and that women are unequal to men?
There are certain spheres where men and women excelled in.They are well balanced and complement each other and women are equal and sometimes more equal than men.
Even in your house, your wife maybe better than you in certain spheres. She can do much better than you in areas like cooking ,house maintaining,taking care of children,.
Man want’s to subjugate , controlled and ruled woman as their slaves .
Some society treat women just like a baby making machine and nothing else. What a depraved society and a great loss to the nation.
Men and women may be different from the physical aspects but they are equal and they complement each other .To deny women their rights is gross violations of humanity.It is an oppression of women and the perpetuation of the male’s superiority myth in a patriarchal society.
God made men and women equal and to use scriptures to put down women is fundamentally incorrect. Scriptures were appropriate for that culture at that time and at that particular church and not prescriptive for all time.
Galatains 3:27-29:
“for all or you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”
Suggested readings ;-
Saturday, January 3, 2009
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- Suzie1318 a.k.a Laura1318
- The road to eternity is never ending and as we travel on this journey through Earth, we should enjoy each day as it comes .It is not about who you are but what you can do to enrich others life. "To know God is love" blog was created on 29th. June 2009
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