Sunday, November 30, 2008
Will You Pose Nude?
pix;courtesy Henner, Jean-Jacques
A picture is worth a thousand words.Nothing can ever describe the beauty and attractions of a woman’s body. Her quality and her personality revealed in a single pose which can give so much pleasure and deep and sensory satisfactions to the mind.
Some called it an art while others think it is a pornography.Some nude pictures can portray them in a very beautiful and aesthetic way while others are exploitative , degrading and simply porn.
A picture of a topless 14 year old was published by FHM in the April edition 2007,without her consent. It was send in by her live in boyfriend .
The parents complained as it was taken in 2005 when their daughter was 14.As a result FHM was censured by the Press Complaints Commission.
It was a ’serious intrusion’ into the girls privacy and had a significant effects on her emotionally and at school.
FHM said it received around 1,200 photos of women either topless or wearing lingerie for publication each week
Just imagine this is only one of the magazines in the market.
It would look like there are many girls who have no qualms about posing in the nude or topless and sending their pictures to magazine or to post in MySpace ,online forums , blogs or porn sites.
pix;courtesy Ralf Roletschek
Is this a new phenomenon ?Why are so many girls willing to show off their boobs or go completely naked to let the whole world view them.
They may have their own reasons for doing it.
Some did it for the money , fame , attentions ,lunacy , or to to capture those moments when she is at the height of her beauty.
Do women who pose nude,lack self esteem and self worth..?
Whatever the reasons for posing nude , it will have dire consequences in later life .What you have done cannot be undone.
They should think long and hard.Even those nude pictures which they kept privately, for it could fall into the wrong possessions of others and exposed or be blackmailed by unscrupulous persons.
Think of your children and family and how they would feel when your pictures come back to haunt you in later life.
What about your morals , values or spirituality if any, would they be compromised? Were you being exploited ?
Dont just follow others blindly and pose nude.The financial gains you receive may not offset the stigma , blemish or blot in your life.They will tarnish you forever in life.
Posted by Laura
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suggested readings,22049,22199953-5013554,00.html
VANESSA Hudgens, the High School Musical star caught up in a nude-photo scandal,22049,22420838-5001021,00.html
Is Your Spouse having A Cyber Affair ?
Do you think a cyber affair is harmless? I think most women would rather
agree that a cyber affair is a no-no.
It is a dangerous precedent if they agree.Having a cyber affair is bad for
your marriage health and can destroy your marriage .
The person involved in a cyber affair may tell you it is a harmless affair
and he can switch off anytime when s/he wants.
They do not realize that they are dealing with the powerful emotional forces
which they have never experienced before.
It is like playing with the devil and the devil is a very crafty fella. He
will bait you till you fall into his trap.
A fire when small can easily be control but if it becomes a raging bush
fire, then your house will burn down.
If they do not take any preemptive steps, their spouse may fly away or lured
away by a raven.Crying would be useless by then as the bird has flown.
Your spouse will not tell you that he is having a cyber affair.Affairs are
always secret and that is the thrill.Stolen kisses are always sweeter.
There are many reasons why cyber affairs happen.It does not happen over
night.Affairs take time to develop and if you were too busy with work
inside and outside and did not take notice of his change in behaviour , you
have only yourself to blame.
There are signs which you can detect when you spouse is having a cyber
affair.All the tips from this link..
Once you have the proof, it is time to act to preserve your marriage. You
need to confront him .Don't ignore those red warning lights flashing.
If you go through too many red lights, your marriage might be in
jeopardy.Give him the summons and jail him if he does not pay.
Dont wait for one day when out of the blues, he suddenly ask you for a
divorce.You must confront the issue head on if you still love your spouse.
He is caught in the web of another she spider and he may need your help to
get out.It is easy to fall in but very difficult to quit.
Cyber affairs can happen to women too.Be vigilant!
Posted by Laura
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Related topics
*Why Do People Cheat?*
She Earns More Than Him …
It used to be him earning more than her but the wheels are slowly turning on man and there are now ,more women earning more than the man.
Will the traditional marriage concept fade into oblivion? As men will have to get used to the idea that women are a potent force and are here to stay .
In some marriages, the woman’s career may upshot the man’s and may make more money than him.He could be delegated to the backseat or he could become a ‘kept’ man .
They will have to make some readjustments in their life and outlook or to go separate ways.
There should not be any unilateral actions but must involve a consensus between them for a peaceful ,good and lasting marriage.
With girls ,60% in universities, there will come a time when she will make more than him or they are already at the threshold.
More than 40 % of married women in the UK are making more than their husbands.
How would they cope and what are their problems they faced.
The man do not have a choice , their wives are better and more brilliant than them . They will have to give their full support and co-operations to their partners.
As the women become more active , he would have to be passive for if both are very active in their own fields like those Hollywood film stars , there would be tremendous strains on the relationship.
Even if she makes more than him , a man still expects his wife to play the traditional role of wife , mother and house keeper.
It is her domains.
Perhaps it is the women who have too high expectations of everything in the marriage. Women have a certain standards about everything that must be done according to their ways and many men may not meet those standards.
It is a matter of perceptions and women are quite meticulous with small things around the house.Most women generally are not satisfied with the way men do things around them and they will do it themselves.
They become the wife , mother and bread winner and still have to do some of the household chores even when they have servants . They may have to supervise the servants and cannot depend on the man.
The man’s fragile ego’s may take a bashing as in some society, it can be a loss of face .It is still a man’s world on the outside.
They work really hard and earn lots of money but have to be very careful about not offending the male ego.รข€™
They cannot proudly boast about their incomes and must still submit to their husbands.There will be a war of the sexes and usually whoever earns more will come out the victorious and dominant partner and the other will have to surrender under her terms..LOL!
Some men may not speak about it but deep down they are apprehensive that their wives are working in the office and are afraid of those office vultures that may prey on her.
Wives who make more may not have time for their man and some of them may keep mistress or have affairs.
There are other men who do not mind their wives earning more than them . They may become househusbands or a consort to her..LOL!.He will be his bodyguard, driver, secretary and her toy boy.
It is his good fortune to find such a woman.
Posted by Laura
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suggested reading
Earn more than your man? 5 relationship tips
UFO Mums Or Mums From Hell !!
Is your mum over the top ,flying like a helicopter hovering above you where ever you are ? Maybe it is not a helicopter but a UFO a.k.a invisible flying saucer!..LOL!
Is your mum too over involved with your life and does not allow you any freedom to make your own decisions pertaining to your clothes , taste, friends and interests.She is too strict and imposed her out dated and narrow minded views and thinks she knows whats best for you ?That is what all mothers think and you have no rights to speak your mind..
If you have such a mum , who controls every facets of your life , it can be very depressing and distressing .You will have to wait till you are 18 ,before you can escape from your prison environment..LOL!
Most mothers are loving and they want the best for their children.They will groom the children to be independent as they grow up.It is a learning curve for the mothers and children.
Some mothers have no experience raising kids .Whatever experiences they had , they learned and observed from their mothers .Some mothers come from a pushy and restrictive backgrounds and they perpetuate the same regime to their kids.
We should let our children explore their world and encourage them to discover who they are and just let them be kids .
It is a stage everyone goes through. We cannot rush them through childhood into adulthood. Childhood is a time when they will enjoy and mould them into a better person.It is where his foundations are laid.
If we are too attached or too involved with everything in his life, we will make him too dependant on us and he will not be able to grow up and make his own decisions. We should let them learn from their own mistakes.
Sometimes what the mothers do for their kids is not what the children’s wish but rather for her own failed aspirations and ambitions.
One mother who never had any education send her daughter oversea’s to get a degree .When her daughter came back and much wiser , asked her mum ,”Why did she put her through the stress and pressures to obtained an external degree?”
Her daughter was too young to understand at that time.The mother may have achieved her aim of getting her daughter an external degree and she is proud to tell her sibilins that she too have a graduate in the family.
No doubt, her daughter got a degree but at what cost ? What would happen if she flunked?I dread to think of the results.
There are some parents who put so much stress and pressures on the kids to perform well,or controlled their lifes , that quite a number have ended in the mental asylums or become schizophrenics.They may have anxieties or depressions, drug abuse or pushed them over the cliff.
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suggested readings
More updates 29/09/2007
The Perfect Boobs!
These are the most perfect boobs, for they looked luscious, voluptuous ,erotic and taste delicious ..Yummy! Licks the lips…..naughty pair of boobs that can be eaten..LOL!
What makes a pair of perfect boobs? Everyone has their own taste and outlook for what is a pair of perfect boobs ,for beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
Posh Beckhams or Caprice?
According to this plastic surgeon,the model mammary apparently has a nipple that points slightly skywards, and an upper half just a bit smaller than the bottom half.
So go and ogle to your hearts content. Then I think , your wives boobs are more beautiful than those two..LOL!
Seeing is believing and you can then judge whether you do agree with this plastic surgeon of what a perfect breast looks like.
The boob is the most ogled and the most sought after and prominent asset of a woman’s anatomy that is the most viewed and emphasized on.
It has to do with the American culture and Hollywood which set the standards of what a boob should be ,with the likes of Dolly Parton, Pamela Anderson …It later spread through all those Hollywood filems which America exported throughout the world.
The main function of the boobs were for suckling babies but after Hollywood made those filems , it became a fascination and a sex appeal.
Most men cannot avoid looking at those ’spotlights ‘ as they are so obvious and women today knows how to accentuate their curves and create cleavage out of nothing with wonder bra’s…and wonder tapes.
They need to know how to take care of those prized assets and maintain their health, beauty, fitness and perkiness .Have you heard of the breast requiring de stress? LOL!
With today’s choices, many women could have bigger boobs or whatever shape’s they wanted by going for breast augmentations. A generation ago , they would never dream off.
Posted by Laura
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Discretion required ..graphic content.,,2-2007440346,00.html
The Secret Diary Of A Call Girl.
‘Belle de Jour’-A new eight-part ITV series debuts on Thursday in the UK.It is about the story of a high class prostitute who launched an internet blog in 2003 detailing her daily adventures as a hooker.Her blog was so successful that two books were published which became best-sellers.
It's the sexually explicit story of a beautiful prostitute who leads the ultimate double life.To her parents she's Hannah, the legal secretary, when night time comes , she becomes another person.
Was this story real or a fantasy?Just keep an open mind.
In our midst, there maybe some people like her. If someone cannot explain how they live beyond their means ,we can only deduce but cannot prove it.
If you came here looking for some lurid ,saucy and explicit daily details of a call girl, I am sorry to disappoint you.
There is a confessions of a college call girl instead .
Or ‘Confessions of a sex writer’
Or this ..Diary of a sex fiend…
This post is about sex workers’ issues.
Why do girls go into this game ? Have they thought of the consequences or the lure of easy money and the good life is attracting them to it like flies to light ?
There are some women who have no skills and cannot get good paying jobs and they have families to feed, they have no choice but to sell their bodies.They have no alternative or faced poverty.
There are those who have families back home to support and they could not make ends meet in a big city and had to resort to this trick without their parents knowing what they are really doing.
There are those in college who do not get enough from their parents and want to flow with those rich friends and indulge in for some side incomes, or to help lessen their parents financial burdens.
pix;courtesy Tranquil Gardens
On the other end, there are young and good looking women who have degree’s and hold down a good job would ply this trade to enjoy the rich trappings this trade can bring them.
They can make thousands in one night as a high class hooker. They will masquerade as social escorts which is just a front for prostitution.Whatever they agreed with their clients , it is between two consenting adults.
pix;courtesy of Missie
The love for the good life, eating meals in fancy, expensive and high class restaurants , driving in expensive and luxurious car,wearing the latest branded wear and apparels with the accompanying accessories,all those beauty and spa treatments , living in high class condominiums and going to those high class entertainment joints , draws them in like a magnet.
This is a materialistic girl. She will not achieve all that if she just choose to work her regular job.It would take her too long or it could just be a dream for her only.
Some people may think this job is glamorous as portrayed in the T.V’s drama. They only showed the bright side or a make believe world for their audience.
For life on the street for those sex workers are not as rosy as it is portrayed.It is a dirty , violent and drug filled world where anything goes.
Where the state legalize prostitution ,the sex workers will be protected and their health are checked to prevent the spread of diseases.The underworld would always be involved in this racket whether legal or otherwise.
Once you enter this world of Suzie Wong’s , there is no turning back . It will slowly destroy you physically and mentally.
You wont know what is right from wrong anymore ,for you only love money and you will do whatever it takes to get more and more of those .
Your body will not be able to take those abuses and punishments and you will slowly become dehumanized,desensitized and even your children will not accept you..pathetic and sad.
There is always a price to pay……Can you afford it?
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More steamy news and pix ..from the
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A very good write up and I consider one of the best ever written on this topic.
Another great piece from this writer,
How to be a hooker like Belle on the box.
A review of the show by Stuart McGurk of,4136,144671,00.html?
Born At Home Or The Hospital Dilemma .
In these modern times, science and technology have improved tremendously and medicine is now very advanced and what could not be saved in those days is now possible. Thanks to modern science.
In the 1960’s, when I was a small kid, most parents in my village gave birth at home.Many families were poor and could not afford going to the hospitals.
For the first birth, they would call for the village midwife . After that, the mother having learned from that experience , will just deliver the baby themselves without any midwife present.
I interviewed my mum and she told me she delivered all 6 of us by herself ,only the 1st by the midwife. It was very amazing and very shocking indeed to me.
It was the circumstances at that time that made her do that.It was like those animals giving natural birth in the wild.
Fast forward today , with all those private clinics mushrooming, going to the hospital is only for the very poor while those who could afford it ,prefered those private clinics where the health care is presumed to be better .Women today had better choices than their mother’s generations.
The hospitals are over crowded , under staffed ,shortaged of beds where some mothers had to give birth on the floor or the presence of those superbugs like in Uk.
For the present generations , the home birth option is out of question.It is frightening to even think of home birth.What if complications occur? Would the risk be greater?
There are many questions about home birth that many chosed the safer method of going to the private clinics where there are doctors on standbye.
Not much informations or encouragements or promotions for home birth but instead, women are told to give birth at the hospitals .Conflicting signals by those in the know , also contributed to the fear of giving birth at home.
Natural home birth at home is discouraged unless those parents had no choice because they lived too far from any hospital.
There are cases of those on the way to the hospital and the baby could not wait.This goes to show that you can give birth at home if you are a low risk pregnancy case.
Posted by Laura
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related topics
Should Parents Be Made To Pay For Their Children’s Crimes ?
Crime is on the rise in many places and most of these crimes are committed by youngsters. Many authorities are debating whether parents should be held responsible for their children’s crimes to curb the rising juvenile crimes.They are proposing to make it into a law.
Do you think this is fair to the parents ?
Logically speaking, the parents are responsible for their children's actions.It is a rule of natural justice for the parents to compensate to the injured party for things that are broken or destroyed by his children.
In small matters, this may not be a problem . The problem manifest when a life is lose or when it becomes a major crime.
Will the court send the parents to jail or made him a bankrupt to pay for his children's crimes?
Being a parent is not easy if your children becomes rebellious and a delinquent or out of control.
They have a mind of their own . If the state imposes such a law, the parents may have no choice but to treat the children harshly and may made them run away from home.
The parents could be charged for abusing their children. The parents hands are tied. If they cannot handle their wayward children, whats the point of asking them to pay for their crimes?
It is like rubbing salt into their wounds. The parents need help to control their child. The institutions should come in and help but instead is laying the blame and responsibility on the parents who are at wits end.
Out of desperation , the parents may throw the children out and disowned them or in the extreme of cases to lock and chain them in a dungeon or cellar and never to let out again?
Parents cannot do that. They cannot lock their children up or beat their children .That would be child abuse. How do you expect the parents to teach their wayward children?
As parents , you may order your children not to do this or that but can the parents be there always to enforce their wills?
It should be the children who should bear the consequences of their actions and the judge to decide in a case by case basis as to the level of compensations .
The rich parents may not have problems but the poor parents would be devastated.It will destroy their life. Is this fair?
Simply saying that parents are responsible is just placing unnecessary burdens on those parents.
It is easy to put the blame on the parents .No parents want their children to commit crimes.Parents cannot monitor their children for 24/7.
Being young, those kids may not know or realize the extend of their foolishness.Kids will be kids.
The law making parents responsible for their kids or the negligence is a failure of the state to address such an issue.It will not curb the vandalism, armed robbery , muggings , snatch thieves and rapes.
Posted by Laura
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suggested reading,4136,144284,00.html?
His Wandering Eyes !
A thing of beauty is a joy forever! Our eyes are made for looking.The men enjoy looking at the girls passing by.Men are made that way.If they don't look at girls, there is something wrong with them..LOL!
It is fun and quite pleasing to the eyes. Men have no problems with that and they think it is harmless . When she is gone, her image disappears from his screen ,totally forgotten ,unless she has exceptional beauty and that also is not lasting as others will replace her image in his brain.
It is only some women who find it a problem when their b/f or mate have wandering eyes. They think this is inappropriate behaviour.These are usually insecure women who fear their mates will be attracted and leave them.
Their mate’s eyes are forbidden to ogle , stare or glimpse at other girl’s body when they are around..keke!They can look with discerning eyes and it is O.K for them.Those men can only steal some glances and no more.
A wise man does not share his thoughts about other females with his mate.They should be kept hidden from her .If he must said it out , only negative things about others to make his mate feel good..LOL! Women are quite jealous and possessive lot.
Women should treat it like it is just a passing fad for the men as long as they don't leer lasciviously or salivates at the mouth at other women.
If he salivates or have nose bleeds, you cannot blame him for it for he cannot control those functions..LOL!
It is normal for men to ogle at sexy women just as some women too ogle at other handsome men.
What’s the problem with those women ?
Posted by Laura
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Women Without Men!
In the beginning, God created Adam and found that he was all alone.When Adam was asleep, God took a rib bone from Adam and made Eve , a helper and a companion to Adam.
Now in 2007,many women may pass through life without a man , without knowing what motherhood is all about and without tasting the sweet and the bitter of a married life, companionship ,men , sex and children.
God will have to come back to help those single women.Discard away all those old notions about marriage.
Hollywood hunk and heartthrob ,George Clooney tells Michelle Pfeiffer that he is not going to get married .This will break alot of girl’s heart.
A women is like a rose plant. It creates a beautiful scent when the roses blooms to attract the ‘bee’s’ to come and they together may create a majestic rose garden.
Many rose plants bloom by the roadsides , all alone without a gardener’s care and attentions and only the sunlight as their companions till the day they wilt and die when the time comes .They are so beautiful yet unappreciated and growing freely in the wilderness.
Many women continue to look for a mate till she is 90 or for as long as she lives.God created them for her role in the propagation of the human beings.It fulfills her destiny as a women.
Is there any women who say’s she will not want to get married?Maybe , she heard or seen too many horror stories about marriage or she got a bitter experience about men that she is turned off .
To remain in a world where there is no man in her life is a choice she does not want but being forced upon her.
It is not that they don't want a man in their life.Many tried but failed to find a suitable mate.They went everywhere ,where there are men but they only found jobs and a broken dream.
Are they more happy than their married sisters?
You can be happy if you are single or if you are married.
Happiness does not depend on whether you are married or not.
Only when you grow old will you realized that you are all alone in this world. For those who are married and have children and grandchildren to fall back on , it will be a bliss.
A women without a man can do more things than a married women.She may find many interest to occupy her and become some expert in some fields and to pursue her hobbies.
But all these may give her some comforts in life but no solace as motherhood is a strong instinct and remains unfulfilled.
If you are married be happy , if you are not married be happy also.For life is to live and enjoy whatever state you are in.
Posted by Laura
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suggested readings… written in 2001 but still relevant ?
Mary Kay LeTourneau-The Teacher Who Had Sex With Her Student.
Mary Kay LeTourneau, the former schoolteacher recently released after a 7 1/2-year prison term for having sex with one of her grade school student Vili Fualaau ,now plans to marry the student. She had two children by Vili.
The teacher who had sex with her 12 year old student who is now 21.She had 4 children by her first family.It was the most shocking news at that time of a female teacher sleeping with her student and made headlines throughout the world.
Nobody could stop them from marrying now.They both triumphed finally to be called man and wife.Love overcomes all barriers.God bless them.
They had to go through such an ordeal , especially the women who had to go to jail for her love for this boy .It is very sad .The society does not condone her actions.
There are laws that prohibits an adult from having sex with an underage . This is society's views as they are still considered underage and may not be aware or could be taken advantage off.
The society does not differentiate if it is true love or not, for all sex with those minors are forbidden.Period.
It is a tragedy of sorts ,for the boy was too young. They could not wait till he was older.The boy did not want to press charges against his teacher.
He was powerless and not in control as things moved without his approval. What does this proof? Everything was decided for him and his thoughts were not taken into considerations by his mother .
It was an explosive mix and things were bound to happen.They were caught in an emotional roller coaster and could not get off without paying a high price for their actions.
When you are faced with the inevitable,you cannot stop the train of motion.What they did were all futile .
They could only make them love each other more.When your child is bent on marrying an older women, there is nothing you can do…except to give your blessings.
It is hard to fathom how she would give up her 4 children, a career and went to jail , knowing that it was an offense.
What made her do that? She is a remarkable women and set new boundaries.She thinks what is right for herself and not what society thinks.
I wish them well and may she find the life she yearns for .People who are close to her, should not judge her but to accept that she has chosen her destiny…So be it.
Posted by Laura
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Read her full story here,
suggested reading,
Facts of the case and the full story.
The Modern Women And The Miranda Complex .
In the year 2007 ,the war of the sexes will be won anytime soon and the outcome is predictable.The men will surrender and play a secondary role and women will rule the world inside and out.
The relentless march of the women into the man’s enclave ,once the domains of the males only have crumbled.
Women are everywhere working with men under the same conditions.Women are better qualified with degrees and can do multitasking.
A 2005 census data of woman’s incomes revealed that women in their 20’s are earning more than the men.Women continue to do well in the colleges and universities .Soon , they will monopolize all those top and higher paying jobs.
How does that affect the men? They will be pushed back and have to accept women as their equals and in some cases , the women will become the major partner.
This generation will rule the world in time to come ,when the present generation pass away.Women now have the added financial clout and this has made their arsenal complete.
Previously women had the sex weapon and men their finance. Now women have both the weapons and the woman’s weapons are bigger than the man's…LOL!
The women are always never wrong.They could switch their roles from the modern day women and back to the traditional day women whenever it suits them or to their advantage.
Even when she makes more than him , she still expects him to pay for the date, or in some societies, going Dutch.
If she is married, she expects him to pay all the bills ,while her salary is only for her to lavish on herself.She will only contribute when he is unable to do so.
Many successful women unable to find the right mates , are hiding their large incomes, accomplishments, academic excellence for fear of intimidating their potential boyfriends.They may scared them away.
In order for them to find a mate , they will have to pretend to be a simple and dumb women or a bimbo or pretend to play the traditional women’s role.This is known as the Miranda complex. It was named after the high-flying Sex and the City lawyer Miranda who had an on-off slacker boyfriend.
They should not out talk or out shine the men or it will be a faux pas.After marriage , it is another equation. The men will have to accept who she is unless they want out .
Young women with powerful jobs and good incomes find themselves being punished for their success by a withdrawal of the male approval. This explains why many high flying young women cannot find mates.
The males have a very fragile ego and if he were to learned that she makes more than him , he will feel intimidated and scary and will withdraw to seek another prey.
He will wonder if he is able to support a guzzling high fuel sports car and the high maintenance that goes with it.
He has been ingrained with the concept of men the provider and not being able to provide enough for her can bruised his ego and make him a lesser man.
The growing spending power of the women can be awesome. Majority of women are spenders, their needs are insatiable.They spend more than men.
Can the male ego cope with the emasculating strain of being outperformed and out-spent by the fast rising women professionals?
The men has not evolved as quickly as the women and have much more deep-rooted male prejudices. Those men are defending their bastions of male supremacy or a patriachial soceity.It wont be long before the fortress walls collapse.
Can or cannot is no more the answer for the women is doing a man’s job and it is time the men will have to become more domesticated..LOL!
There is a price to pay, for as the women becomes more financially independent , they assimilate the male traits of aggressiveness and competitiveness and wanting to control others. They lose out on their feminine qualities.
The modern women can get anything they desire without the men’s help. Men has become irrelevant .The female supremacy is taking over the new world.
The new world order is at their thresholds.
Posted by Laura
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Suggested reading
Working women: Does the size of your pay packet put men off?
I Did’nt Plan To Fall In Love-It Just happened !
A 36 year old married women with two kids dumped her husband of 38 for a 25 year old …It just happened !.
After 15 years together, their story came to an end. The Chinese say their fate(Yuen Fun toh kei) ended there.
It is nice to be young again in spirit though the body is marching against time. Love is beautiful and I hope their love will last..
When the heart is not there, whatever you do will be pointless. My sympathies to that guy. I hope he will find someone who will love him till eternity….Someday ,I hope she will not live to regret her decision.
It is even sadder when the man must leave his house and family and make way for her new lover.It is very tragic .
This man loved his wife too much and did not want to stand in her way to happiness.He even spend a large sum of money and endured the pains going through with a tatoo of her and the two kids on his back.All to no avail. Her love for him died in her heart and the new lover was all she could think off. Poor Bloke!
Definitely after 15 years with someone, the fires of love and ardour could have cooled down or extinguished.Life became too mundane and the sparks of love no more.
A totally unselfish man. Other men would just let her leave with her lover and good riddance to her…
Why did the man not fight off his rival to keep her ?Some women need to be fought over to prove the men’s love for them.
Things just dont happen if you dont allow them to happen. You are in the driver’s seat.
Posted by Laura
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Why Men Dont Prefer Women High Flyers ?
Most women are brought up by the socio economic system to look for a husband who will earn higher than them and academically better qualified than them .
It is deeply ingrained in them to marry upwards. Women are more discerning about their mates and it is they that decides if the relationship can progress after the first ‘hello’ stage.
She would have no interest in a man if he earns less than her or academically lower than her.She is looking for a mate who is stronger emotionally and financially better than her.
She needs someone who can take good care of her and her children.A man may marry a young thing and a sex object while a women would not marry a man just for the sake of marriage and who would follow her like a kept poodle.
The modern women have achieved success in many fields but as they climbed higher in the social strata, they found that there were a shortage of qualified available men for them to choose from and as a result , many remained single .
Inorder for them to find a man , some had no choice but to hide their achievements and their incomes for fear of intimidating the men.
I think , the real reason why some of the high flying women cannot find a man is their character and attitude towards men.
They are not able to accept the traditional womens roles in the soceity anymore .These highly educated , emancipated, liberal and modern women have redefined the womens new role.
Compare them to those secretaries and clerks , they really know how to treat a man and know their places.
There are some high flying women who can juggle a career, family and home ,for women can multitask but it can place a greater strain on her resources.
There are some women who married down and have a happy life..Some men are able to accept that their wife are smarter and earn more than them. It is not a problem to them.
It is a dilemma for many career women , a career or the upbringing of the children.
Credit and thanks to;-
About Me

- Suzie1318 a.k.a Laura1318
- The road to eternity is never ending and as we travel on this journey through Earth, we should enjoy each day as it comes .It is not about who you are but what you can do to enrich others life. "To know God is love" blog was created on 29th. June 2009
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