Sometimes, she performs with her husband's friend while he watched on the sideline and other times they performed together while his friend watched. Maybe, they even had a threesome on some occasions.
Oh! What a wicked society this world has become!
Their world came crushing down when the woman got tired of it and reported to the police about their going on.
Why did she only come out in the open after four long years ?
The idea of asking your wife to have sex with your friend is repugnant and repulsive. She is not a commodity where you can trade her services. There is something not right if she agrees to do as she is told.
It is not just a simple matter to do the sexual act like those animals and act like nothing happens after.There are complex issues to over come as women are wired differently.
The emotional,mental and psychological issues may weigh heavily on the women and affect their future relationship.It is like letting the green and evil demons out from the dark dungeons and there is no knowing what havoc they will create.
There are some circumstances where the women are forced to have sex with those loan sharks when her husband cannot repay his debts or owe debts to others because of his addiction to gambling.
Some low life men may even pimp their wives and live off their immoral earnings.
It is very degrading to the women and no women should be forced to do what she does not want.
In some societies,like the Eskimo's, their women welcome guest to their home by sleeping with them .
There are free thinking couples who willingly or one of them being coerced to go to those swing parties.It could be the man or the woman who initiate the sexual exploits.
Some of them may have a dull sex life or their marriage is in a rut and wanted to spice up their sex life by going to those swing parties or having a friend for a threesome.
It maybe fun and exciting but the after effects may be very bitter.Whether one is forced or a willing participant, the end result does not auger well for that relationship.
Reference and thanks to :-,4136,208947,00.html
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Forced to perform sexual acts with her husband's friends while he watched.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Women, unusual sex and black magic .
In this modern times, do you believe that the devil can have carnal intercourse with a woman ?
Whether it is a myth or fact, it is believed that some angels secretly left Heaven for Earth to disguise themselves as men and have sex with the women and they were discovered and banished from Heaven. They were fallen angels and Earth became their abode.
There are a lot of people who believed in black magic ,especially people from Malaysia, Thailand and other countries. They believed some people have those powers to call upon those dark evil forces to do their bidding's.Some followers of these occult even rear those spirits to look after their house or properties.
Two women have filed for divorce on grounds that their husbands' unusual sex drive is linked to black magic. Having sex more than 10 times a day is very unusual and abnormal!
Either you have got a very strange and abnormal ailment or you are demonically possessed with those supernatural strengths.
They found the riddle to his unusual sex drive. There were two of them! How is this possible and why they did not detain the other person is a mystery.
Those men must have dealt in black magic according to those people. When they discovered the other person , it must have disappeared into the thin air.
Were there devil or devils who took turns having sex with those two women ?
Having sex for more than 10 times a day is no easy feat.There is definitely something fishy and supernatural about those two men. Pity those poor women who did not know what they got into .
Reference and thanks to :-
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sex with a younger woman is a perfect recipe for keeping men healthy and fit ?
The simple way to keep men healthy is to have sex daily , especially with a younger woman ! Not every man will be able to follow this prescription. The majority will still have to take their high blood pressure pills, their chlorestrol pills and their multivitamin pills and exercise daily.
This is like a dream come true but how many men in their twilight years can have sex everyday? No fears ! There is now the Viagra tablet to perk him up and continue his amorous lifestyle.
It is simple to say that having sex daily can make men healthy. Before you can have sex, you need the energy and fitness to have sex. It is like the chicken comes first or the egg comes first argument ?
If you are not fit and healthy , you cannot enjoy your sex. Another school of thoughts says, you need to be healthy to enjoy sex.
In order to have sex daily , you will need to eat right, exercise regularly,relax and have enough sleep. You need to feel mentally and physically fit and then you will feel good about everything including sex. There is no shortcut to health by just having daily sex and ignoring all those other factors.
You may have to use drugs to sustain the pace and the daily sex may either spur you to keep fit or it will drag you down the over exertion road and the end result is a spent and lifeless lump of flesh .You may even suffer a heart attack.
Your brain is the most important sex organ. If it is not well taken care off, you won't be able to perform or feel good about anything.
Want to feel happy , healthy and erotic?
Reference and thanks to :-,22049,25736322-5006007,00.html
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Bra's for MEN !
Whoever said that bra's are only for women ? Some men have breast too and sometimes even bigger than their girlfriends !
Adolescent boys and middle-aged men sometimes develop breasts which is called, 'Moobs.'Some of them elect surgery to reduce their breasts .
Would you date or accept a man who wears a bra?
This is just a hypothetical question as many average Joe would not dare to wear one openly except in the country of Japan. It may be gaining in popularity in some other countries .
Only those transgenders and transvestite would be willing to wear a bra because they perceived themselves as females.The other group are the cross dressers who have a fetish for woman's lingerie . Those hot blooded males would off course not want to be associated with them.
In Japan,a bra made especially for men is taking the country by storm. Men who wear bras are known as "Bra-o", which means "Bra men".In some places, they have coined a new name for it , 'Bro for men.'
The bra's are available in a choice of white, pink and black and retail for around £20. They are all A cup size with chest size ranging from 32ins to 38ins.
Wearing the bra can relieve stress and make the guys feel kinder, gentler, more receptive .(more feminine? )Perhaps, they may feel more sexy too..LOL!
Do you think it is cute or a turn off ?
You maybe able to accept him in the confines of the privacy of your home but what about your friends? That can be a sticky matter.
What is it like for a man to wear a bra?
If you have never worn a bra in your life, you would not know how it feels like?
Wearing a bra can make you feel like you are being perpetually hugged and gives you those same feelings.That is if they are nicely fitted or you will find much discomfort with those too loose or too tight straps. There are many kinds of bra's.
The functions of those male bra's are different from the female bra's ,they typically flatten rather than lift them up .Some men who have large breasts as a result of obesity, muscular development, or gynecomastia may choose to wear a brassiere to provide support for their breasts and to flatten their appearance.
Men with larger than usual breast may find it painful if they are involved in vigorous sports . Their breast may swing to extremes and cause pain to them.
There is sometimes no medical necessity for men to wear bra's just like some women.It is more of a fashion and a trend.
Is our society ready for this trend ?
Reference and thanks to :-
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
He is a teacher, gigolo and brothel manager.
He is a school games master , a gigolo and runs a brothel with his wife.What a life !While selling your body for money is not illegal in England, profiting from prostitution is.
His secret came out in the open during a police probe into illegal sex-trafficking from Eastern Europe in that red light district.
Being a respectable teacher, he should know the consequences of mixing those jobs together.You either have to choose one or the other.After he was exposed, he had to leave the teaching profession.
Why did he turn to vice?
We won't know the actual reasons but the lure of the cash and the excitements was too tempting for him and his wife was an expert in that field.
His wife has been a prostitute since she was 16.I am sure that he knew what she was doing before he married her.It is admirable that he married a hooker but her dark world done him in .
Profiting from prostitution even though the girls are willing is against the law .He may have provided the safety and the amenities for those hookers but if there is no law for legalized prostitution then he has broken the law. In some countries where prostitution is legalized, then it is not an offense.
For those who intent to moonlight as a social escort or a part time hooker/gigolo,you better count the cost because you cannot have a foot in the respectable world and another foot in the deep and murky cesspool.
Reference and thanks to :-
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Students rampage and terrorize teacher at his home
10 secondary school students went on a rampage at their teacher's house , terrorized the teacher and damaged two cars. The group of Form Three students wanted to exact revenge because a classmate was caned by the teacher earlier in the day.
Those students went to the teacher's house and challenged the teacher to come out.What were their intentions? Were they there to warn the teacher or to challenge the teacher to a fight or give him back the same medicine?
Their behaviour was unruly or they were known bad boys in the school and the teacher did not come out to meet them. When they were ignored, they began to issue threats and climbed over the wall into the porch and damaged the two cars with stones .
It is a sad event and showed the failure of the system to imposed discipline on those wayward students. Being a disciplinary teacher can be a dangerous vocation judging by this latest actions .Teacher's car being splashed with paint or acid and scratched is quite common.
I hope the authorities would take the appropriate actions to prevent and deter such incidents. Canning may not be appropriate in the present times.Counseling and finally expulsion or suspension would be more effective if the student have a disciplinary record
Reference and thanks to :-
About Me

- Suzie1318 a.k.a Laura1318
- The road to eternity is never ending and as we travel on this journey through Earth, we should enjoy each day as it comes .It is not about who you are but what you can do to enrich others life. "To know God is love" blog was created on 29th. June 2009